Who Is at Fault for Vegas Motorcycle Crashes

Motorcycles in Las Vegas have become more popular than ever.

With economic factors like gas prices and the cost of cars, trucks and SUV’s it is easy to see why.

Motorcycles are a great form of transportation for those that need to get around independently and efficiently.

Motorcycles can be exciting but also dangerous on the busy streets of Vegas.

Crashes happen all the time with all types of vehicles and that’s partially why we built our Las Vegas accident command center.

When a motorcycle is hit by another bigger and heavier automobile the damage can be serious.

Injuries Happen

The chance of an injury is much higher to the rider of the bike.

If there is a passenger on the back of the bike they are also at high risk for an injury.

The chance of a fatality on a motorcycle is a real concern if the crash is at high speeds.

Every accident has its own set of circumstances.

Determining who is at fault and liable for the damages can be complicated is some accidents.

There are many ways that an accident can happen on a motorcycle.

If you have been injured in a Las Vegas motorcycle accident it is important to speak with an attorney that is experienced in handling these types of cases.

The Law Offices of Richard Harris can go through the evidence of the accident and help you decide how to proceed.



liability in motorcycle crash in las vegas

Liability in Las Vegas Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can be complicated.

An accident can have just one person fully responsible.

It can also have those involved partially responsible.

  • Motorcycle Rider – Rider error can cause an accident. Anytime you get on a bike there is always more risk of injury than a regular vehicle. When a motorcyclist drives reckless accidents can be devastating.
  • Driver of Vehicle – A driver in another vehicle crashing into a motorcyclist is another way an accident happens. The reasons are endless. Driving distracted has become the number one cause of crashes in Vegas.
  • Manufacturer Error – A defective part can really do some serious damage to a motorcyclist. Faulty brakes, steering, tires etc. can be deadly. A manufacturer defect or error can be to blame.
  • Pedestrian – If a pedestrian is jaywalking or not paying attention when crossing the street, it can create an unsafe road and a motorcycle crash can happen.
  • Government – If the roads are not properly marked and road maintenance has created a dangerous road an accident can occur. With all the road construction in Las Vegas the roads are much more dangerous. The government entity in charge of this must provide a reasonably safe road. This could have to do with lighting, detours, potholes, rocks, and debris.



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Our Attorneys Can Answer Any Questions

We have been in Las Vegas since 1980 and are experts in personal injury motorcycle accidents.

Our team of trained, professional lawyers can help you get the maximum compensation for your damages.

Medical expenses and lost wages can be overwhelming after a motorcycle crash.

Getting healed may take some time.

If you were injured in a motorcycle crash and it was not your fault than you should not be responsible for the financial burden of it.

Call our law offices today.


Law of Comparative Negligence

In the state of Nevada if an accident occurs fault can be placed on more than one person or party in certain crashes.

This means that compensation can be based on the percentage of fault.

A person trying to receive compensation must be less than 51% at fault in the accident.

An example of this would be that a motorist driving along gets in an accident with a motorcycle.

It is determined that the motorist is 80% at fault but the motorcyclist was 20% to blame.

The motorcyclist can claim only 80% of the damages from the accident.

It is always important to have an attorney that is well versed in the law of comparative negligence.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

Richard Harris Law Firm are expert attorneys that will make sure that you are not taken advantage of by the State Farm and AAA insurance types.

There does seem to be prejudice against motorcyclists.

Some insurance adjusters will tend to immediately cast blame on the motorcyclist thinking that all riders speed and cut in and out of traffic. However, this is not true.

Obviously, not all motorcyclists are speeding, irresponsible and wild.

The majority of serious injury accidents seem to be due to the fault of another.

The injuries sustained in an accident are usually much worse for the motorcyclist.

A personal injury attorney can be a great asset in setting the record straight and negotiating with these companies that will try and minimize a payout.


causes of motorcycle crash

Causes for Las Vegas Motorcycle Accidents

Roads – Las Vegas seems to have constant road construction and repairs going on throughout the city. Roads are ripped up with pieces of cement, gravel, rocks, and all sorts of debris on them. Uneven pavement and other road issues can make for serious danger. If you are from out of town, you may not notice these issues until it is too late. Riders must always be on high alert for these road dangers and travel with caution. The higher the speeds the more dangerous it can be if you hit something. Hitting a boulder in the road can take a rider down.

Distracted Driving – Cranking the radio or looking at the phone can cause a motorcycle accident. A car driving reckless and changing lanes without seeing the motorcyclist is dangerous. A bike is much harder to see than another car. Most vehicles have some kind of blind spot and an accident can happen in an instant. Motorcyclists must always be on the lookout for a distracted driver.

Left Turn – Taking a left turn doesn’t seem that dangerous but is one of the leading ways that a motorcycle accident happens. Often a driver will take that left not seeing that a motorcyclist is going through the intersection. Car drivers are usually the fault for these accidents. Motorcyclists may find themselves partially at fault sometimes by speeding. A speeding motorcycle is hard to spot and can seem to come out of nowhere. By the time you see it…BAM!

DUIDriving Under the Influence accounts for accidents of all types including motorcycles. Las Vegas has some of the deadliest accidents because of people driving either drunk or high. With the 24-hour drinking and cannabis shops on every corner it is no wonder that accidents are all a round us no matter what time of the day.

Of course we see rear-end accidents daily in Las Vegas, head on crashes, cars backing out of driveways, parking lot accidents, and the list goes on and on.

Don’t wait for the insurance company to help you, call us Today.


Motorcycle Safety Prevent Accidents

There are some reasons why a motorcycle rider may find themselves in an accident and held liable.

Lane splitting, speeding and just lack of experience are all common reasons for this.

Motorcycles have very quick acceleration that can cause a dangerous situation quickly.

There are some tips that a rider should know that can make for a safer road.

Learn How to Ride – It is important for new riders on the road to get some necessary hands-on training before taking it to the streets. Motorcycle accidents happen a lot of the times because the rider is inexperienced. There are basic operating procedures that need to be learned in order to have a safe ride. Training in shifting, throttle control, turning, stopping and safety strategies can all be very helpful.

Get The Right Helmet – Getting a motorcycle helmet that can really protect your head is extremely important. Just getting any helmet is not good enough. Every person has a different size and shape head and the helmet should fit properly. It should also be DOT approved and meet the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard.

Obey the Laws – As a motorcyclist it is important obey the laws in order to cut down on the chance of an accident with another vehicle. By going the speed limit, signaling turns, and not be unnecessarily risky will go a long way in motorcycle safety. In the majority of collisions involving a motorcycle and another vehicle, the rider is not at fault.

While you can’t always account for what other drivers will do, you can reduce your risk of having an accident by obeying traffic laws, sticking to the speed limit, and not taking any unnecessary risks.

It is important to always pay close attention to everything around you.

One mistake on a bike can be tragic.

As a rider there are always those opportunities to split lanes and maneuver through traffic quickly.

First of all, lane splitting is illegal and it not worth the risk to save yourself a few extra minutes.

It is important to give plenty of room to those around you and stay out of danger.


Contact the Richard Harris Law Firm

We are well experienced, highly trained motorcycle accident attorneys.

We are committed to helping you receive the maximum payout for any damages you may have suffered.

Contact our office by phone, email or just come by.



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