Disneyland Legionnaires Disease Outbreak

In mid-October, the Orange County (California) Health Care Agency identified a breakout of the bacterial illness, Legionnaires’ disease. Twelve people were diagnosed with the illness, and of those, nine had visited Disneyland in the month of September. The other three live in or traveled to Anaheim, Calif., during that period. One of the patients has died, but besides these, no new cases have been reported. Disneyland learned of the breakout on October 27, and immediately shut down and treated t...

Dark Days in Las Vegas

Despite the sunshine and cooler fall weather, it has been a couple of dark days in Las Vegas. We are all saddened and dumbfounded by the Sunday night tragedy on our Las Vegas Strip, where a crowd of more than 20,000 had gathered for the Route 91 Harvest Festival. The Las Vegas shooting was the worst massacre in modern U.S. history, with nearly 60 people losing their lives and more than 480 injured. In the midst of the mass shooting and in the hours and days immediately afterwards, incredi...

Car Accident Schemes in Las Vegas

Not every car accident is really an accident. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, on September 14, 2017, 24 people were indicted in Las Vegas District Court on charges prompted by the Nevada Attorney General’s Office for staging accidents and attempting to file fraudulent insurance claims or extort cash from their victims. The incidents took place over a three-year period from September 2014 through May 2017. In another incident, perpetrated by a different fraud ring being investig...

Left Lane Drivers: Beware

A new law took effect in Nevada on July 1, 2017, which is designed to help traffic to flow more smoothly and prevent road rage. Officially known as 2017 Assembly Bill 334, the law requires drivers driving in the left lane of controlled access highways, to drive the speed limit. Driving under the speed limit in that lane can subject you to a ticket and a fine. Nevada DMV Updates Their Website The Nevada DMV summarizes these new requirements on their website as follows: Slow-Moving ...

Trucking Accidents: Rare but Potentially Devastating

While large truck accidents are not as common as car accidents, the potential for loss and injury is high due to the size and weight of semi-trucks. Big trucks carry trailers, which are 53 feet long, and are sometimes double trailered. Each trailer can carry up to about 40 tons of freight. At highway speeds, the ability to stop a load of that size is difficult, since the laws of physics enter into the equation. Rather than get into the particulars of Newton’s Laws of Motion, for the purposes of ...

Lawyer’s Fees: Hourly Versus Contingency

In a day where the Federal Reserve tells us that nearly half of Americans would have to borrow money or sell something to handle an emergency of $400 or more, the idea of hiring a lawyer at an hourly rate of $100 or more, excludes most people from availing themselves of the benefits of the legal system Various fee arrangements have developed in the legal profession over time, based on what type of case is being pursued. The two most common fee arrangements are: Hourly billing, where you...

A Legacy Law Firm

It seems like yesterday I was in my late 20s starting my solo practice. I handled every phone call, wrote every letter, took every deposition and tried every case. In those early years, I didn’t think anyone could do a better job than me. I had passion, drive and heart – good qualities for a personal injury lawyer for the people. The problem with doing everything myself is no one was accountable but myself. There weren’t enough hours in a day to help everyone who needed me. The mark of a good...

Recent Verdicts and Settlements – Summer 2017

Multiple seven-figure settlement for newborn baby with brain damage following failure to perform C-section. Multiple seven-figure settlement for office worker with neck and back injuries from rear-end collision. Multiple seven-figure settlement for wrongful death of young mother who died from failure to monitor following routine surgery. Seven-figure settlement for food server with neck and back injuries from rear-end collision. Seven-figure settlement for security systems worker with ...

Spirit Of Nevada

Beyond the sparkling lights of the Las Vegas Strip lies a State filled with spectacular natural beauty, hidden one-of-a-kind hangouts and a deep, rich Wild Western history. From the unusually verdant Clark County Wetlands Park to the nostalgic throwback of the Pinball Hall of Fame to exceptional organizations making our communities better, Spirit of Nevada explores the diverse people and places of our State. Each week, Spirit of Nevada and our host, Samantha Chian, head out on the road to...

FDA Updates Warning for Breast Implant Associated Cancer

In 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued its first warning concerning a rare form of cancer called Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). In March of this year, the FDA updated their 2011 warning due to new information collected by the agency’s Medical Device Reporting System. The FDA has received 359 reports of this condition with nine deaths. The great majority of the problems seem to be related to textured implants, rather than smooth su...

Distracted Driving in Nevada

Apple’s recent announcements of upcoming changes to software for the coming year yielded a new feature to be released with the upcoming iOS 11, the operating system that runs iPhones and iPads. While the feature requires the user of the phone to activate it, once activated, the phone will detect when you’re driving and will withhold notifications for phone calls, text messages, and other notifications. Additionally, those calling or texting will be automatically notified that you’re driving,...

Invokana Linked to Dangerous Side Effects

At times, one wonders if the benefits of some medications outweigh the potential serious side effects. So it is with Invokana (Canagliflozin). But this is not a question posed by a lawyer blog, but by medical researchers who evaluate drug efficacy in the course of their business. What is Invokana? Invokana and its sister drug, Invokamet, are part of a class of drugs called SGLT2 Inhibitors. It is used as a treatment for Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes to reduce glucose levels in the bloo...

Product Liability: Class Action vs. Multi-District Litigation (MDL)

​ In product liability cases, there are two types of cases that could be filed: a class action suit or a multi-district litigation (MDL). The first is a class action lawsuit. In a class action suit, a class of plaintiffs is established based on common complaints and damages, and the entire class becomes the plaintiff. Measures of damage to the entire class are argued and any verdict affects all members of the class equally. Any settlements obtained are split between lawyer fees and expen...

The Surgical Mesh Mess

It seems we’ve been dealing with medical issues related to the use of surgical mesh for many years. A few years ago, vaginal mesh was being used to repair Pelvic Organ Prolapse and complications arising from its use had generated a number of news stories and lawsuits, many of which generated high-dollar damage verdicts. Today, mesh is used to treat many cases of hernia in men and women, and many of the same complications are manifesting themselves again. What is a Hernia? In layman’s t...

Social Media and Your Injury Case

Social media makes life so much easier these days. As events occur in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, a quick trip to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter will bring us up to date with the latest. More people are using social media today than ever before. According to the Pew Research Center, as of 2015, 65 percent of adults were using social networking sites. While young people 18 to 29 are the most likely to use social media, usage among those 65 and older has tripled since 2010. S...

With Las Vegas Construction on the Rebound, So are Worker’s Compensation Claims

​ By most objective measures the economy of Southern Nevada is coming to life, and leading the way is the construction industry. Read nearly any newspaper or trade journal and you’ll see articles regarding the boom of new projects in Las Vegas and throughout Nevada. New projects are being announced, from the Resorts World project to the Convention Center expansion, to construction of the new NFL stadium to house the Raiders, to new apartment projects around the valley. Construction jobs aro...

Bus Accidents a Common Problem

When thinking of motor vehicle accidents, you might think the possibility of colliding with a charter bus is uncommon, but as the articles below show, it happens more than you’d think. Not only are bus accidents fairly common in and around Las Vegas, but the potential for injury if involved with a bus crash is also high. February 27, 2017 – A tour bus in California enroute to Las Vegas crosses centerline and crashes with oncoming traffic. One killed, 26 injured. January 24, 2017 – CC...

Defining Full Coverage Auto Insurance

You may have heard the term “full coverage." However, auto insurance is complicated and what the insurance broker considers "full coverage" can often leave you unprotected in ways you didn’t anticipate. Let's look at the types of coverage that come into play when you are involved in an automobile accident: "Liability" insurance covers a person who is a victim of an accident caused by another. Liability insurance is responsible for paying for injuries and property damage to another. That i...

Steps of a Car Accident Claim

Collision You’ve been in an accident. The accident was not your fault, and you were injured. Many things will occur in rapid succession. If your injuries were serious, you’ve been transported to the hospital for emergency treatment. If they weren’t debilitating injuries, you’ve left the accident scene and gone to a doctor for treatment. You’ve made contact with your insurance company to report the accident and contacted the other drivers’ insurance as well. Protection At this point,...

Benefits of Keeping MedPay on Your Auto Insurance

If you’re like most people, you might assume you don’t need medical payments coverage, or MedPay, on your auto insurance. However, there are many reasons you should consider keeping MedPay. Here are a few MedPay benefits to keep in mind the next time you consider revising your auto insurance coverage. MedPay is "no-fault" which means it will cover you no matter who is at fault for an accident It follows you. MedPay covers you and your household family members no matter what vehic...


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