Don’t Trust Insurance Companies After Car Crash


Getting in an automobile accident can be a terrifying experience.

Getting injured can make the situation even worse.

The insurance companies are supposed to be there to help you pick up the pieces after the accident.

They claim to have your best interests at heart.

The reality is that this is not always the case, and insurance companies can make it very difficult on someone just trying to get fairly compensated for the damages after a crash.

When we all take out insurance, we are led to believe that as long as we pay our monthly premium, we have nothing to worry about.

If some unexpected situation happens and we need to use our insurance it should be honored and a no brainer.

If only that were true.

In many cases there is a push back and investigation where the insurance companies will try to get out of the responsibility for the payout.

Sometimes they will try and remove themselves from all liability, other times a portion of it.

Unfortunately, this all part of the insurance game.

And this is why you need to call the Best personal injury law firm in Las Vegas.

The Richard Harris Law Firm.



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Richard Harris Law Firm

The Law Offices of Richard Harris deal with the insurance companies every day and can make a big difference in the outcome of a lawsuit.

Feeling like you are being taken and ripped off is unfortunately what usually happens if you try and take these companies on alone.

The insurance world is big business and profitability is their number one concern.

The goal is to pay out as little as possible in order to make the most amount of money.

Makes sense for them but not good for you.

Richard Harris has been in Las Vegas since 1980 servicing clients throughout Nevada.

We have an excellent track record at keeping the insurance companies accountable.

Going up against companies like State Farm, AAA, Progressive, and Geico can be challenging.

Getting the maximum compensation from these industry giants can be difficult.

We have dealt with them all before and know what to look out for so that you won’t get ripped off.

Call our law offices today!



What Does an Insurance Adjuster Do?

Insurance adjusters’ main job is to investigate the claim and then come up with the amount of money that the insurance company should pay out.

They have multiple ways to calculate these numbers because every accident is unique.

Auto insurance claims have ways of getting to the numbers through their investigation of the accident.

Then they will take a look at the policy and what it covers and does not.

This will determine who is owed what and the correct amount that should be paid.

Insurance adjusters are often referred to as claim examiners.

All of us that pay insurance know that it is an upfront fee that we all pay in order to be covered financially if there is an accident.

The payout will depend on how good the coverage is when the accident occurs.

The insurance adjuster is there to make sure the insurance company keeps up their end of the commitment, while trying to keep the settlement amount as low as possible.

Sometimes these claims go smoothly while other times it may be a major pain and fight to get compensated.

There are three main essentials when it comes to handling a claim and getting paid.

  • Coverage
  • Liability
  • Damage



insurance company takes advantage of customers

Insurance Companies Take Advantage of You

Making An Offer You Can Refuse – Insurance companies will try and low ball you at first with an offer. If you do not have representation and are going it on your own the offer will definitely be on the low side. This is why it is so important to have an attorney on your side that can give you good advice on if the offer is fair. They will take advantage of those that are busy with kids or working. They can take advantage of the fact that you are not a lawyer and may not understand how the system works.

Not all situations will come to this but many times this is the case. Offers may be based on things that are not related to the actual costs of the damage in some instances. Richard Harris will examine the current damages as well as the potential losses that may happen in the future. Do not sign anything with the insurance companies until you have an expert attorney take a look at the offer to determine if it is the best way to go. There may be things in the heat of the moment that you overlooked and once you take the offer it is too late.


Scare Tactics – Insurance companies are great at trying to scare a person into taking a low-ball deal. They may make you think that you have to decide immediately. Making you feel like you are in a take it or leave it situation. If a person has been injured seriously, they may find themselves in a life changing circumstance. This is a tough place to be in and a person may feel desperate.

The insurance companies know this and will take full advantage. A personal injury law firm on your side will see right through this and help you take the desperation out of the equation. Remember the insurance companies can face penalties if they act in bad faith. They are also obligated to live up to their end of the policy. Richard Harris will help hold them accountable.


Medical Authorization Form – This is another tactic the insurance companies will use in order to get a hold of you past medical records in an attempt to try and say that the injury was caused by a previous incident.

Signing this would give them some serious access to your medical files of the past looking for any way to limit the pay out to you. Richard Harris will protect your rights and be the in between to the insurance companies’ requests. Our goal is to get you the maximum compensation for the damages.


Twisting Your Own Words Against You – Just another common strategy that the insurance companies use. Remember the saying ‘anything you say may be held against you’. That’s what they will do if they find any little discrepancy in your story. You have to be careful when engaging in any conversation with the insurance companies.

They are highly trained professionals at trying to get you to admit to something that you may not even understand. As they talk with you, they are also trying to come up with any way to discredit your story in order to pay you less. Having a personal injury lawyer representing you is the smartest way to go. Any communications and negotiations with insurance companies is best if handled by an attorney that is there to give you legal counsel.


Rejecting Accountability for Medical Bills – It is a fair assumption that the insurance companies should not be responsible for billing that was not necessary to the claim. There may be medical attention that the insurance company will say that you have had enough time to heal. This is not always the case. It will be harder for the insurance companies to not give you the medical care that you deserve if you have a lawyer that is fighting for you.

If the medical expenses are valid and you are covered under the policy then your insurance should cover it. Health service providers may go along with the insurance companies which can lead to unpaid bills. If they both disagree over the validity of the claim then you may find yourself stuck in the middle. They may even make you feel that if you don’t pay the bill then your credit score could be in danger. Richard Harris will help you get the treatment that you deserve and make sure that the insurance companies are responsible.



how much does a personal injury attorney charge

How Much Does an Injury Attorney Charge

At Richard Harris the first consultation is always free.

If we decide to take the case then we will work on a contingency basis.

This means that we will only get paid if we win your case.

If we win, we will take a percentage fee.

Protecting your rights, winning your case and getting you the maximum compensation is our goal.

Do not hesitate.

The Law Offices of Richard Harris have won over $1 Billion for our clients.

We are here to answer any questions you may have.

Accidents are tricky regardless if you were hit by a UPS Truck, Amazon van, Uber or Lyft driver, a limo driver, or even just a normal person driving a Tesla commuting to work.


Peace of Mind and Richard Harris

Dealing with any type of accident can be frustrating.

And it’s well known that insurance companies will try to rip you off if they can save money.

The legal system can seem slow and intimidating. Just knowing that there is a team of knowledgeable and professional attorneys on your side can be a huge relief.

We are top rated personal injury lawyers that will look out for your best interests.

The insurance companies will be looking out for theirs.

If you have no legal experience then you can easily find yourself at a disadvantage with these companies.

You can have peace of mind knowing that Richard Harris is on your side.



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