Spring Valley Truck Accident Lawyer

Personal Injury Law Firm Las Vegas, NV
Truck accidents happen all across the US every day.
When a big truck and automobile collide the chance for injury is high.
Spring Valley, Nevada has big rigs and large trucks constantly sharing the roads with other motorists.
The trucking industry is growing and restaurants, businesses and big box stores like Walmart, Home Depot and Target see 18-wheelers and other types of trucks rolling in and out of their parking lots every day.
These trucks can be seen delivering goods and services throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
There are some busy intersections in Spring Valley that are more dangerous than others.
Dangerous intersections in Spring Valley:
- Rainbow Boulevard and Spring Mountain Road
- Decatur Boulevard and Tropicana Avenue
- Durango Drive and Flamingo Road
- Desert Inn Road and Durango Drive
- Flamingo Road and Grand Canyon Drive
Trucking is responsible for transporting a large majority of products across our country.
Truck accidents are also responsible for a large number of fatalities too.
Whether they are on the freeway or the city streets a trucking accident with a smaller vehicle can be extremely damaging no matter what the speed.
The sheer size and weight can be crushing if an accident occurs with a regular sized automobile.
Call the Law Offices of Richard Harris
If a truck accident and injury does occur in Spring Valley, NV and it is the fault of the truck driver than it is important that you get a personal injury attorney.
Don’t hesitate call the Law Offices of Richard Harris.
The attorneys at our law firm are experts in all types of personal injury cases including truck accidents.
We are top-rated with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Google.
Richard Harris is also the most respected and oldest personal injury law firm in the entire state of Nevada.
We have over 40 years of servicing clients in the Las Vegas area including Spring Valley.

Main Causes of Large Truck Accidents
There are many reasons for these dangerous accidents to occur with a truck.
A truck accident can be complicated and often two or more vehicles will be involved.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has written a report on some of the many different causes and factors that increase the risk for an accident.
Driver Inexperience – It is easy to see how dangerous driving an 18-wheeler can be if you have years of experience let alone little experience. A driver with limited training and skills behind the wheel of a big rig can be a danger to others on the road.
Highway Conditions – With so many of our roads and freeways under constant construction the chance of an accident with a big-rig increases. Congested traffic conditions in Spring Valley can really make it dangerous when sharing the road with a truck.
Fatigue – Tired truckers are incredibly dangerous to the rest of us. A large number of accidents happen when a truck driver is fatigued and driving longer than they should. Truck loads and cargo delivery are usually time sensitive. Drivers often push their luck and drive when they are tired in order to deliver the load on time. Most of the time there are no consequences but when there are they can be fatal.
DUI – I know it is really hard to wrap your head around this one. The fact that a truck driver with such an enormous vehicle and responsibility would endanger everyone on the road and drive intoxicated or high. Unfortunately, it does happen.
Negligence – This includes many factors like speeding and driving distracted. A truck driver barreling down the streets of Spring Valley can create havoc if it crashes with another vehicle. The faster the speed an accident happens with a truck the more damage and bodily harm comes with it. A truck driver on their phone and checking for directions of where they a going can lead to an accident. When a truck needs to stop it takes much longer so they really have to anticipate what is happening around them and any distraction can be harmful.
Maintenance Issues – The maintenance of the truck is crucial for the safety of every one on the road. If a tire blows out or the brakes go while speeding down a hill the results can be worse than bad. Brake related accidents are the highest of all maintenance issue types. Proper maintenance is required of any truck and should never be overlooked.
What To Do If Injured in a Truck Accident
If you are in an accident where there is injury with a big rig, 18-wheeler, moving truck etc. contact the Law Offices of Richard Harris.
Remember insurance companies will fight to lower your compensation or sometimes try not to pay out at all.
When you have a personal injury attorney on your side that is willing to fight for you it increases your chances at getting the pay out you deserve.
Our attorneys are expert negotiators and will represent you in a court of law if necessary.
Always call the police so you can get a police report later, and be sure to seek medical care.
Richard Harris has won over $1 Billion for our clients and is available 24/7.
Types of Large Trucks in Spring Valley
There are many different types of trucks on the Spring Valley roads every day.
There are also many different uses for these trucks.
Day to day we see them delivering (UPS, Amazon, Fed Ex), moving, transporting, hauling and servicing.
18-wheeler – These trucks often carry freight trailers which transport a wide variety of goods and supplies across the country. When they get off the freeway and pull into Spring Valley, they may stop at the big box stores like the Walmart and Sam’s Club on Spring Mountain Road and Rainbow Boulevard. There they will deliver or transport cargo from place to place. These can be 30 to 40 feet and when fully loaded weigh up to 80,000 pounds. You never want to get in an accident with this one.
Box Truck – This is a cube or box shape type that comes in different sizes from 10 feet to 25 feet. These are used a lot as moving trucks. The cabins are separate from the cargo area and have those roll up doors in the back to load and unload items.
Cement Trucks – Spring Valley is a growing community and there are construction sights where cement trucks are seen traveling to and from. This type of truck is also known as a cement mixer. As you can imagine this truck when fully loaded with cement and water can be really heavy. An accident with this truck could be disastrous.
Garbage Truck – Be on the lookout for this truck in residential areas and commercial zones. Trucks that pick-up garbage are on the city streets every day doing their job. Because these trucks are so bulky and heavy, they move at their own pace. Stay clear of these trucks and always give them plenty of room.
Avoid an Accident with a Large Truck
It is best to drive defensively when you are in a vehicle around a large truck like the ones mentioned above.
This is true when on the freeway or the city streets of Spring Valley, NV.
Keep Out of Truck’s Blind Spots – These large semi-trucks can have a hard time seeing a smaller car in the lane next to them. The length of the truck and the fact that the driver is up high in their seat makes it hard for them to see other vehicles. Mirrors are a big help but they are not 100 percent. Get past the truck or stay back so it can clearly see you when sharing the road.
Leave Plenty of Space – A big rig needs more time in order to stop or to maneuver through traffic than a regular car. The more space you give the truck the more reaction time the driver will have. This is important if you are passing a truck as well. Make sure you have plenty of room to get by and do it quickly.
Watch Out for A Turning Truck – Trucks need more room to make turns. When a truck makes that right or left hand turn it often will swerve into another lane in order to get the truck through the turn. Give them the time and space necessary in order for them to safely make their turns. Be patient and play it safe when sharing the road with big trucks.
These are all great tips to go by but the fact is a truck driver may be careless and due to their negligence, they may still create a serious accident.
If this does occur than you will need to protect your rights and hire a personal injury lawyer.
Let Richard Harris look over the facts of your case and help you determine your legal options.
The first consultation is free and we only get paid if we are able to get you compensation.