Viagra® use linked to Melanoma

If you have used Viagra, you are at significantly increased risk of developing Melanoma, the most dangerous and deadly form of skin cancer. This is according to research published in the April 7, 2014, Journal of the American Medical Association – Internal Medicine (JAMA).

The research performed by doctors at Harvard’s prestigious medical school, reviewed the results of approximately 26,000 men from 2000 to 2010. The study found that men, who had a history of using Viagra, were twice as likely to develop melanoma as those who had never taken the drug, and those who were currently taking the drug, showed an 84% increase in the risk of developing melanoma.

Nevada Viagra Skin Cancer Lawsuit

The Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm is interested in speaking with men who have used Viagra, and were later diagnosed with Melanoma. Drug manufacturer Pfizer may have significant liability for failure to warn users of Viagra of the dangers of developing melanoma. If you or a family member falls into this category, you may be entitled to compensation. Call our office today for a no-cost consultation and evaluation at (702) 444-4444, or fill out our Free Consultation Form. Check out all the dangerous drugs and products cases we handle.

What is Melanoma?

Melanoma is a cancerous growth on the skin, signs of which are a change in an existing mole, or development of a different pigment or unusual looking growth in otherwise normal appearing skin. Melanoma growth is characterized by non-symmetrical shapes with irregular borders, which are larger than 6mm (1/4 inch). Over-exposure to ultra-violet radiation may be a cause of melanoma.

It is thought that Viagra’s active ingredient sildenafil citrate, lowers the levels of PDE5A, a cancer-fighting protein in the body. The National Cancer Institute predicts that in 2014, over 76,000 new cases of Melanoma will be diagnosed, resulting in nearly 10,000 deaths.

Viagra Background

Viagra, manufactured by Pfizer Inc., a New York City based multi-national pharmaceutical company, was approved for use in 1998 and generates over $2 billion annually for the firm. It is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) or trouble maintaining an erection, and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).

After several years of use, the FDA required Pfizer to change warning labels distributed with Viagra in 2005 and 2008, after patients complained of sudden vision and hearing loss associated with use of the drug.

Other reported side effects resulting from Viagra use include:

  • Blurred Vision
  • Persistent erection
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Indigestion
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Nausea
  • Muscle Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Rash

Viagra is a registered trademark of Pfizer, Inc. and is used here only to identify the product in question.

This law firm in not affiliated with Pfizer Inc, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or the Journal of the American Medical Association – Internal Medicine.






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