Have you experienced negative sexual side effects after taking Propecia to treat male pattern baldness?

We can help! Call or TEXT (702) 444-4444

Propecia (Finasteride)


Propecia belongs to a class of medications called 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. It is a common remedy for Androgenic Alopecia, or male pattern baldness. Nearly 35 million American men suffer from this condition.

Propecia is used to treat conditions stimulated by dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a hormone the body creates from testosterone. DHT-induced conditions include male pattern baldness, among others.

Finasteride is an active ingredient in Propecia and Proscar that causes a decline in the concentration of DHT to combat baldness. Generally, within 24 hours of taking the drug, concentration of DHT drops by approximately 65 percent with full effects appearing three months or more after beginning treatment.

Propecia Side Effects:

  • Decreased libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Ejaculation disorder
  • Lowered sexual sensitivity
  • Infertility

History of Propecia Warnings

  • 2008: The Journal of Sexual Medicine released a study finding that up to 38 percent of men currently taking Propecia could experience adverse sexual side effects caused by the drug.
  • 2011: A follow-up study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found side effects linked to Propecia use can be found in men for years after use of the medication has been discontinued.
  • 2011: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced new labeling requirements for Propecia after findings that finasteride, an active ingredient in the drug, may increase the risk of developing serious types of prostate cancer.
  • 2012: The FDA required an additional labeling requirement calling out Propecia’s link to negative sexual side effects.

Have you or a loved one experienced negative side effects associated with the use of Propecia? Get help now.

Call or TEXT (702) 444-4444

Nevada Propecia Product Liability Case

The Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm is handling Propecia lawsuits for men who have experienced negative sexual side effects from the use of the medication. If you or a loved one have experienced sexual health issues including erectile dysfunction, lowered sexual sensitivity, or other side effects and believe it could be linked to the use of Propecia, we want to evaluate your potential case. Please call or text us for a no-cost consultation at (702) 444-4444, or complete our online Free Case Review Form.

Call or TEXT us today if you know someone who has experienced negative side effects as a result of taking Propecia or another dangerous drug.

(702) 444-4444






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