Construction Zone Accident Injury Attorney

construction zone accident law firm in nevada

Our downtown Las Vegas office and Reno offices have assisted more than 100,000 people in Nevada.

If you were injured in a construction zone accident you don’t want to sit and wait for the insurance company to help you.

When you first get started, we will have a consultation where our law team will go over the details of your situation.

This session is free of charge to you as we always want to consult with your first so that you can feel comfortable with the services we provide.

We have been helping injury victims for over 40 years in Nevada, and we have helped over 100,000 clients.

Do not sit and wait for the insurance companies to help you.

You can certainly call and make an appointment for this initial visitation or you can just have a FREE consultation on the phone.

Get Legal Help Today

If you do not have an attorney to help negotiate your claim then your settlement will likely be significantly less.

The other party (the one at fault) will certainly have legal help to mitigate their losses and even if you are an intelligent person, unless you are well versed in law you likely will be overmatched by the opponent’s legal team.



Nevada law firm for construction zone accidents

Injuries In Construction Zone Accidents

At the very least, if you are involved in a construction zone accident then you will probably have damage to your car.

It is a big annoyance to have to take your car and leave it a body shop while they take days to fix it.

Even if you get a rental car it is still a true inconvenience.

Not only do all of these things take up your time and patience but they also cost money.  The same goes with an actual injury.

A fracture or break of a bone is very common with car accidents.

A fracture can be diagnosed as an open fracture or a closed fracture.  Lacerations with blood loss is also a typical injury when there is a heavy impact.

Many times a person will hit their head on the steering wheel causing a contusion, abrasion or laceration.

If blood is pouring down someone’s face the injury can seem more severe than what it is, but witnesses will pretty much always default to calling an ambulance.  Of course injuries do not always have to be exterior.

Whiplash, joint pain and other internal injuries often occur when there is a car accident causing multiple trips to doctors, diagnostic centers and chiropractors.

Because all of these issues take time and money from your pocket you need to be sure that the parties responsible are accountable for their actions (or lack of action).

In many cases, even if you were not at fault, your car insurance might still increase.

You can take on the challenge of fighting with insurance companies and their lawyers or you can get help in the battle by reaching out to our law firm.



What Happens if I am Involved in a Construction Zone Accident?

Regardless of the circumstances, if you were involved in a construction zone crash injury, you should get legal help and we offer a free consultation.

It is best to not delay in finding a lawyer to help you as the sooner they can get involved the better and easier it will be for you both.

Under Nevada law, if you suffered from a construction zone accident involving your automobile you can work to recover various expenses and damages.

These damages may include medical expenses, pain & emotional suffering, lost income (due to missed work) and property damage.

As previously mentioned, you need someone to help you fight for the compensation you deserve after an injury.


liability in construction accidents

Who Has the Liability in a Construction Zone Accident

Often times this can be difficult to determine due to having multiple parties being involved.

Having a proficient attorney on your side can help with this though.

That is why you are hiring them, to find out who was negligent and to research all of the details to ensure you get the best settlement possible.

Figuring out who the defendant is in your case is the initial step towards getting you a financial settlement for your car accident in a construction zone.

Nevada law dictates that a party find out who is at fault prior to making an insurance claim.

If an accident occurs in a work construction zone, there could be an array of entities that are responsible.

Depending on the situation, the construction company could be at fault.

If the site manager failed to ensure a safe environment for everyone and was negligent then they might be the first group to look at.

It is also quite possible that a third party is at fault.

In many cases, a construction company will outsource some things for other companies to take care of.  If an accident occurred due to one of these firms then they might be the defendant.

In the main hierarchy, the city of Las Vegas is on top and ultimately in charge of their roads.

If a car wreck happened due to something reasonable that the city knew about and could have repaired then they may be considered responsible.

This can hold true for other cities as well including the City of Henderson, North Las Vegas and Boulder City.


Construction in Vegas Keeps Going

Regardless of what any talking head on tv will tell you, Las Vegas is always booming.

Being in the arid southwest makes it a desirable location for people of all walks of life.

Retirees from the snowy and cold Midwest and East Coast love it because the hot weather is good for their bones and they never have to shovel snow.

People from California are moving in constantly because of the affordability.

The median home price in Nevada is significantly lower than that of California which means that people working normal jobs can actually afford to buy a house instead of constantly renting.

The commute is also easier as Las Vegas is not a big city area wise and has easy access to all sides via the various highways.

Interstate 15 travels North and South and runs parallel to the famous Las Vegas Strip.

Highway 95 runs from the southeast from Boulder City all the way to the northwest part of Las Vegas on the way to Reno, Nevada.

And interstate 215 works as a giant circle around the city of Las Vegas providing an alternative to the other two routes and giving easy access for commuters and travelers.

When discussing why people move to Las Vegas (especially from states like California) we would be wrong to not mention taxes.

High tax states make it difficult to live or enjoy a higher quality of life.

Nevada has no state income tax bringing more dollars to people’s bottom line while allowing them to work the same hours.


Dangers of Construction Zones

When a city has high growth such as Las Vegas, one certainty is that there are more construction projects taking place.

Roads need to continue to be built to accommodate the growing population and the same goes for the various highways cutting through the city.

It seems as if there are never enough lanes on a highway to meet everyone’s needs.  In the early 2000’s, construction cranes were visible from every direction as new buildings, hotels and casinos seemed to be opening every 6 months.

So instead of seeing cranes in the area building massive projects, more commonly the citizens of Las Vegas will see all types of construction equipment on the roads.

Orange cones and workers wearing vests and hard hats are prevalent throughout the valley.  Lanes are usually more narrow than usual when construction is taking place making things more difficult for Nevada drivers.

Obstacles in the roadway, swerving lanes and heavy machinery all contribute to more dangers on top of the already high traffic roads of Las Vegas. 

The construction workers waving flags and adding directives on the spot do not help either.

Clark County is Unique

The citizens of Clark County not only deal with road construction to lessen the ease on traffic for the future but also for safety.

Sometimes though, these construction zones cause more safety concerns for drivers in Clark County.

If the Nevada Department of Transportation or other authorized entities do not take the necessary precautions which cause an injury then that is a major problem.

The party or parties that were injured have a right to take action if they were injured due to the negligence of others.

If that happens to you, then we advise you seek out legal help to assist you in getting a settlement that will make up for your pain and suffering.

Richard Harris Law Firm can assist you in this matter and we are easily accessible via phone, email or by simply dropping by our office.


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