Pahrump, Nevada Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
Whether you are out for a walk, jogging or just crossing the street a Pahrump pedestrian accident can happen to anyone.
A pedestrian is much easier for a driver to spot in the daytime hours but when the sun goes down, watch out.
Pedestrian accidents can happen in a parking lot at a shopping center or big box store like the Big 5 and Walmart Super Center here in Pahrump.
It can happen at grocery stores, casinos and hotels where visitors are walking in or out to their vehicle.
Speed bumps are put in these parking areas to slow down cars and trucks to try and help minimize the chance of a pedestrian accident.
Some of the casinos in Pahrump include;
Pahrump Nugget, Terrible’s Roadhouse Casino and Gold Town Casino.
These are tourist and local destinations with a lot of foot traffic coming in and out of them.
When there are special events and especially on weekends the opportunity for a pedestrian accident increases.
Some of the busy roads where a Pahrump pedestrian accident can occur.
- Carlton Street
- NV-160
- Frontage Road
- Pahrump Valley Blvd
Pedestrian fatalities in Nevada are on the rise.
There were 85 pedestrian deaths in the state in 2021.
This is up from the year before number of 82.
Whenever there are cars and other types of motorists sharing the road with pedestrians the chance for an accident with serious injury is always there.
If you or someone you know are injured in a Pahrump pedestrian accident you will need a Pahrump personal injury attorney.
The Richard Harris Law Firm has years of experience in all types of personal injury cases including pedestrian accidents.
Reasons for a Pedestrian Accident in Pahrump
The reasons are endless when it comes to the ways a pedestrian can be injured in an accident with a motorist.
Here are 5 of the most common reasons
- Driving Distracted -This is most common today in the world of multi-tasking and cell phones. A motorist can find themselves on the phone talking, texting and checking maps. They may also be eating, drinking or not paying attention. All this can add up to a pedestrian accident and injury.
- DUI – Driving while intoxicated still is a major problem. With the legalization of marijuana drivers can be under the influence in a whole lot of ways. Pedestrians need to always be on the lookout for vehicles driving erratically and take caution.
- Vehicles Turning – When a vehicle comes to an intersection or street to make a turn a pedestrian may be trying to get across the street at the same time. Whether it is a left turn or a right turn the same sort of danger can exist to an unknowing pedestrian.
- Bad Weather – Visibility is a big problem for motorists and pedestrians sharing the road. When weather conditions like rain or snow are involved an accident can easily happen. A rainy day and a slick road are a perfect combination for a pedestrian accident.
- Dark Clothing – When a pedestrian is wearing black or dark clothing it is definitely more difficult for a motorist to see them. This is really the case at night when lighting is an issue and pedestrians are either crossing an intersection or out for a jog. When a pedestrian crosses the road out of nowhere at night in dark clothing a serious injury or fatality can take place. Most fatalities with pedestrians occur at night.
It is equally important for a pedestrian and driver to be on the lookout for one another in order to avoid a Pahrump pedestrian accident.
Call the Richard Harris Law Firm
- Knowledge – Our personal injury lawyers have over 40 years of experience in Nevada with all types of cases including pedestrian accidents.
- Top Rated – High ratings with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)
- Customer Satisfaction – Over 100,000 satisfied customers and over $1 Billion recovered for clients.
- No Upfront Fees – The first consultation is always free. Works on a contingency basis.
- Success Rate – High success rate which means you have an excellent chance of receiving your just compensation.
Some Pedestrian Safety Tips
A pedestrian in Pahrump must always be thinking of ways to avoid an accident with a motorist.
No matter what the other person is driving the pedestrian is always the most exposed to injury.
With usually just skin and bones to protect a pedestrian you must use your mind and keep actively aware and in the present.
You never want to have direct contact with a car, truck or speeding motorcycle.
There are some important things a motorist can do in order to help avoid a pedestrian accident.
- Always be on the lookout for pedestrians
- Use extra caution when there is foot traffic
- Always yield to the pedestrian if they are in a crosswalk
- Drive the speed limit at all times
- Don’t run a red light or stop sign
- Pay attention to street signs like construction areas or school zones
There are some important ways a pedestrian can also help in avoiding an accident with a motorist.
- Always follow the rules and road signals
- Use a sidewalk if there is one available
- Look out for cars in every direction when crossing an intersection
- Don’t walk around traffic areas under the influence
- Look out for cars entering or exiting parking lots or driveways
- Never Jaywalk
The streets would be a lot safer if everyone could share the road with more caution and understanding of these common tips.
Richard Harris is available 24/7.
Call today if you have been the victim of a pedestrian accident in Nevada.

call a lawyer in Pahrump for free consultation
Nevada Jaywalking Laws
It is considered jaywalking whenever a pedestrian crosses a street where there is no clear marked cross walk.
The code for this is NRS 484B.287.
Police can issue a citation and this is considered a misdemeanor where it is enforced.
If possible, always take the extra time and effort to walk down to a marked cross walk and not bolt across a busy street.
This could be the difference between life and death for a pedestrian.
Child Safety and Pedestrian Accidents
It is highly likely that children are at some point pedestrians.
I remember walking to school or getting on the bus at a young age.
Walking across intersections or busy streets where I could have easily been struck by a motorist.
Today a child is at much greater risk of being in a pedestrian accident just due to the fact that the world has more people and the increase in traffic in every city.
It is especially important for them to stay off their phones when around vehicles.
Kids are often seen with their ear buds in listening to music and walking across a busy intersection not fully paying attention.
Teens jogging along a busy road can lead to a pedestrian accident if not careful.
It is important that children not push each other or play around traffic either.
If an adult is walking with their children, they should always hold their hands when crossing the street or intersection.
It is important that parents and teachers explain the need for pedestrian safety.
With some education and safety programs it is possible to reduce the number of occurrences and prevent deaths as well.
Injuries From a Pahrump Pedestrian Accident
When a pedestrian injury occurs from a motor vehicle, they can be devastating.
It is pretty safe to say that there will be some kind of injury.
The severity may vary depending on the injury type.
Below is a list of pedestrian injuries that are seen most often when a vehicle hits a person.
- Bone Fractures – It is quite common for a pedestrian to have broken bones from an accident with a motor vehicle. Holding out their hands in a defensive manner can cause hands and arms to break. Getting clipped in the legs with a cars bumper can fracture a shin bone or femur. These types of injuries can take time to heal.
- Road Rash – Skin sliding across the pavement can cause bleeding and contusions. Cuts and scrapes from the road can lead to scarring and a lot of pain. It is imperative to get checked out by a medical professional in order to prevent infection down the line.
- Head – A direct hit to the head can be damaging to a pedestrian. No matter how hard a skull gets hit it can lead to serious injury. Concussions and other brain injuries can have long-term ramifications.
- Spine – A back or neck that is seriously damaged in a pedestrian injury can lead to paralysis. Loss of feeling in extremities is always a possibility in a spine injury. The rehab from this can last a long time.
All types of injuries can come with a certain amount of pain and suffering. P
hysical and emotional trauma plays a role in a pedestrian accident.
The Richard Harris Law Firm is available and ready to be of service if needed.