If I Signed a Waiver, Can I Still Sue?

 Just because you signed a liability waiver does not mean that you have given away your right to sue in the event that you become injured, especially when the responsible party has shown “gross or willful negligence or lack of informed consent.” It is common to sign a waiver when you are dealing with commercial property, recreational activities, health service providers and other instances when participating in voluntary interests. What is the purpose of a liability waiver? A ...

Personal Injury Legal Terms – Defined

Every personal injury case is unique. It is also usually a stressful time for the parties involved. At Richard Harris Law Firm, we want to alleviate as much of the burden from our clients as possible. Informing them about what to expect during their personal injury case, including the legal terminology that will be commonly used throughout the process, is one way we do that. Whether it is a defective products case or a motor vehicle accident, there are common legal terms that are used in all inj...

What Is Your Personal Injury Case Worth?

Understanding losses and compensation allow for better valuation of personal injury claims. For many, the consideration of filing their personal injury claim for slip and fall, car accidents, or other personal injuries might pose two important questions: “Is it worth it?” and “What is my case worth?” The main factor in formulating the arguments and answers surrounding these questions comes down to calculating your damages–what are the physical, monetary and mental d...

Out of Court Settlements

If you believe you have a legal claim against someone, the first step should be not going to court to resolve it. Going to court can be a very stressful and expensive process, taking a lot of time and money. On average, it takes more than a year to receive a trial decision in small claims court, and dealing with the Supreme Court takes even longer. It is always better to settle the dispute out of court to make it easier for both sides to save time and money. A settlement is an agreement between ...

Pre-Existing Injuries Affecting Settlements

In most personal injury and auto accident cases, the victim will face questions from the other party’s legal team and insurance company about pre-existing injuries before the accident. People assume that the victim was completely healthy before the accident, although that is rarely true. Most people deal with injuries or health conditions, major or minor, throughout their life and it may be right before the accident. Injuries can vary, some being mental, some being physical, and some being a com...

Traumatic Brain Injury in Nevada

Traumatic brain injuries can be devastating to one’s life, as the effects can be unpredictable and life-lasting. Unlike most other injuries, brain injuries do not heal the same, as symptoms could appear right after the accident, or they could appear months after the accident. These injuries cause permanent biological damage and could require lifetime medical treatments. According to NRS 427A.850, Nevada has a unique program to protect victims of traumatic brain injury. The program includes speci...

Youth Sport Injuries

Youth sport injuries can be very life-changing and devastating because of how serious they are. In order to keep your child safe while playing the sport they love, it is important that you are aware of how they can get injured and try to prevent it. Using the right equipment and understanding the rules of the game and how to play fair are the two most important ways to help prevent injuries. Getting injured at a young age can carry on for the rest of your life, causing more injuries that can be ...

2021 Nevada Motorcycle Laws

Being a motorcyclist can be very dangerous, as suffering a fatal injury as a motorcyclist is much more common than suffering a fatal injury driving a car. A very common cause of motorcycle accidents is drivers breaking the Nevada traffic laws. If you want to become a motorcyclist in Nevada, there are specific laws that you must meet before driving a motorcycle on the road. Motorcyclists are required to have a class M license and wear a helmet that follows the Nevada motorcycle helmet standards. ...

Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Nevada

Like all states, Nevada has specific laws governing wrongful death claims. A wrongful death lawsuit occurs when a victim dies or is killed as a result of someone else’s negligence. In these very unfortunate cases, the surviving family members or executors of the victim’s estate bring a claim for money damages. Additionally, a wrongful death action is considered a civil action rather than a criminal action, and the suspect will not face incarceration. The family of the victim pursues legal action...

Jaywalking Laws In Nevada

At some point, almost everyone has jaywalked, although it is illegal. All pedestrians who want to cross a street must only do so in a clearly marked crosswalk and at the right angles of the curb. The Nevada Law prohibits jaywalking, which is when a pedestrian crosses a street that is not marked as a clear crosswalk. Jaywalking is more regularly enforced in Nevada in places such as downtown Las Vegas, The Strip, downtown Reno, or any other populated area with many pedestrians and drivers. Typical...

Vehicle Damage Rating in a Police Report

Unfortunately, car accidents happen each and every day, whether it is on the road or in a parking lot, parking garage, or even a driveway. When a car accident does happen, people generally call the police to come out and file a police report. Police reports are documents that are used during the insurance claim process after a car accident has happened. These police reports include basic information about the car accident including the location, the date and time, who was involved, and any other...

Firm News

Richard Harris and Ben Cloward were recognized by Super Lawyers magazine as top personal injury plaintiffs’ attorneys in the Mountain West. Christian Miles, Ryan Helmick, Johnathan Leavitt, Jonathan Lee, Jessica Munoz, Samantha Martin and Michael Sandoval were named “Rising Star” by Super Lawyers magazine. Avvo ranks Richard Harris 10 out of 10 “Superb,” the highest possible rating. Ryan Helmick received Vegas Inc. magazine’s 2021 “Top Lawyers” ...

Lawyer Spotlight: Jeff Scarborough

Jeff Scarborough Jeff Scarborough made his way to a career in law after standing at the intersection of legal and sales. The discourse and goals for each career path are similar – in the end, you want to get your client what they need to solve their problem. The difference between the two paths, and one area where Jeff truly shines, is the analytical skill needed to be a successful attorney. For clients at Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm, in Jeff they have a committed attorney whose g...

Philips CPAP and BiPAP Ventilator Devices

Philips sleep and respiratory care devices have been recalled, as they have been linked to serious lung injury or cancer in consumers. Philips’ bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and mechanical ventilator devices help provide breathing assistance to patients dealing with sleep apnea and other respiratory problems. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that Philips issued a voluntary recall for models of the ventilator devices ...

Medical Liens in Nevada

In Nevada, if you are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you have the ability to sue them and receive compensation for any medical bills. Most of the time, the person fails to admit negligence right away, requiring extensive evidence to prove the injuries rooted from that accident. In some cases, the victim is unable to pay for their medical bills and although they may receive compensation, it might not be right away. A medical lien grants a health provider the right to be paid fo...

Procedure for Underage Settlements

When a minor under the age of 18 receives money or other property of value, the court has to approve the settlement of the minor’s claim to either receive money or a property of value. Parents and legal guardians of the minor maintain the right to enter a settlement on behalf of their children in Nevada cases. The Nevada Revised Statute 41.200 addresses minor’s compromises. What Is a Compromise for a Minor’s Settlements? The compromise of a claim made by someone under the age of 18 refers to t...

Nevada Workers’ Compensation Laws

Injuries at work happen daily, as it is very common for someone to be involved in a slip and fall accident. Although it is unfortunate, many people break bones and are diagnosed with other serious illnesses every year from the workplace. Nevada law requires that all private employers with one or more employees to have workers compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance pays for medical bills, lost wages, and any permanent disability suffered by workers who get injured while on the jo...

Can a Landlord Be Held Liable in a Slip and Fall Accident?

Being involved in a slip and fall accident is common, but can be very scary because it can lead to some serious injuries. These injuries that can come from a slip and fall accident can hold you back from work and maybe even cause you to need medical treatment. If you are renting an apartment or a house, you will have a landlord that owns the property. Landlords are required to keep the property free from dangers that could cause a slip and fall, so you don’t get injured. If you do get injured fr...

Punitive Damages Law

In an injury case, people often think about the lost wages or the medical bills. Although those are very important, victims of injury cases have the right to claim compensation for non-economic damages, including pain or suffering. Punitive damages are a specific type of compensation that becomes available when you’re hurt due to a personal injury. It is a financial compensation you can receive when you’re injured because the other party is acting in an oppressive way. The Nevada Law 42.005 stat...

Injured at Work?

Although the workplace should be hazard-free, injuries at work are common on a day to day basis. Getting injured at work is not something you should plan for, but should be thought about due to how common it is. If you do get injured at work, you should immediately contact your supervisor and tell them about your injury. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were around 2.8 million cases related to workplace injuries in 2020. Causes of workplace accidents include overexertion, sl...


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