COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths

One of the more dreadful results of the COVID-19 pandemic is the number of people in Nursing Homes who have died due to the illness.  AARP reports that nationwide, 43,000 long term care residents and staff, have died due to COVID-19. This is roughly one third of the total deaths due to COVID-19 in the U.S. While this figure is alarming enough it is an understatement of the total Corona Virus deaths in Nursing Homes, since many states are not reporting that data publicly yet. Nevada is a...

Dog Attacks Can Cause Serious Injury

When a dog unexpected attacks a human, not only is it terrifying to the victim, but may also leave physical and emotional scars which may never completely heal.  In some cases, the dog attack can result in serious injury and even death to the victims.  In the United States nearly 5 million people are bitten by dogs each year.  Of those bitten, over 800,000 require emergency room care for the physical wounds.  In the most serious cases, amounting to about 20,000 annually, victims require overnigh...

Valsartan Lawsuits for Cancer due to Contamination with NDMA

Certain batches of the generic version of the high blood pressure medication Valsartan tablets, Valsartan/Amlodipine, and Valsartan/Amlodipine/HCTZ tablets were recalled from the market in 2018, due to contamination in the manufacturing process with two toxic chemicals: N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) an ingredient in rocket fuel, and cancer-causing agent; and N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), both substances classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as probable human carcinogens. ...

Nursing Home Abuse

Few decisions can be as difficult and agonizing as placing an aging parent or loved one into Assisted Living or a Nursing Home.  We place an enormous amount of trust in others to provide the care that either we are not qualified to provide, or which allows the balance we need in our own lives to pursue demanding careers and/or parenting of our own families.  A decision to place our precious elderly loved ones in institutional care does not come without an attempt to find the best care available ...

Hit and Run Accidents

There’s nothing worse than being in an accident where the other driver takes off.  Hit and run accidents happen a lot in Las Vegas for several reasons.  The other driver may have been drunk or otherwise impaired, or didn’t have insurance, or may have had warrants or other legal entanglements and didn’t want to deal with police.  Nevada has passed strict laws regarding leaving an accident scene, and if found, the hit/skip driver may have serious new criminal issues with which to deal. Penaltie...

3M Combat Arms™ (CAEv2) standard issue earplugs trials upcoming

Almost 7,000 civil cases have been filed in federal courts throughout the United States suing 3M Company for hearing loss and tinnitus due to the usage of standard issue military earplugs. Combat Arms™ earplugs were issued to military personnel from 2003 until 2015. The earplugs have a distinctive appearance by being dark olive green on one end, and yellow on the other end. Many veterans have found after using this product according to instructions during their military duty, that they have been...

I’ve been injured at my apartment complex: What Now?

Apartment Injury Lawyer in Nevada   An injury in your apartment complex may be the liability of the landlord under certain circumstances. Property owners including landlords are required to  provide a habitable and safe environment and maintain the premises to minimize danger to residents and guests. Your chances of success in a premise liability case have to do with proving the property owner was liable due to negligence in some way. You should consult with a permise accid...

Can Vaping make me more susceptible to COVID-19?

At this early point in both the vaping trend, and in the advent of the COVID-19, most experts well tell you it’s too early to tell if a statistical correlation exists between the two. However, COVID-19 is fundamentally a respiratory illness, so it stands to reason that there may be a relationship, or at least that vaping can make the effects of COVID-19 much worse. Vaping Illness Here’s what we know. In 2019, a new respiratory illness was identified which had a direct correlation with vap...

I was hit by an uninsured driver: What now?

The scenario of being hit by an uninsured driver is not that uncommon. It's estimated that roughly 13% of drivers nationwide are driving without insurance. In Nevada it’s about 10%, so you have a one in ten chance that the driver who causes an accident may not be insured. It’s estimated that 15% of drivers in California don’t have any insurance. Many more drivers carry only the state minimum insurance limits which means that the person who causes the accident may not have sufficient insurance to...

Auto Accident Series Supplemental: Rental Car Accidents

If you’re visiting Las Vegas or elsewhere for business or pleasure, you may decide to rent a car to get around during your stay. If you get in an accident in a rental car, you may find that the rental vehicle adds a level of difficulty to the accident claim that you didn’t expect. Stress under such circumstances is understandable since getting into an accident with a rental car is more complex than if you were driving your own vehicle. Rental companies offer supplemental insurance to help wit...

Medical bills during an accident claim

When you’ve been in an accident which caused injuries, your life gets more complicated. Not only do you have the regular daily issues to deal with, but now have an extra level of distraction with the treatment and therapy needed for your recovery. If you’ve hired an attorney to handle your claim, they will be able to provide a level of peace for you at this time, in terms of dealing with the claim and the negligent party who caused the accident. During this time, your first concern should be you...

Hernia Mesh complications can cause pain and additional injuries

Hernia is a tear or break in the muscle wall surrounding the organs of the abdomen and upper leg and groin areas of the body.  When the muscle wall weakens due to overexertion, persistent cough, prior injury, surgery, among other causes, the organs within the abdomen may protrude through the weakened muscle tissue, in many cases causing pain.  Hernias may or may not have symptoms but are likely to get worse or cause other symptoms if not repaired and will not go away without treatment. Tr...

Auto Accidents – What is No Fault Insurance?

State laws determine under what circumstances you can sue a negligent driver for damages. The traditional system prior to the 1970’s was a tort liability system under which a driver who suffers injuries from a car accident was able to sue the “at fault” driver for damages such as medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc.  In the 1970’s a new system, called No Fault Liability, was adopted by roughly half the states, which was promised to simplify claims, reduce insurance costs, and get ...

Allergan® Biocell Textured Breast Implants Recalled due to Cancer Risks

We first wrote about the dangers of textured breast implants in 2017.  Since that article much has occurred.  In July 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled the Allergan® Biocell brand of textured breast implants and tissue expanders, due to increased risks of a rare form of cancer called Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). In fact, the FDA found that nearly all cases of BIA-ALCL were associated with the Biocell brand or textured surface of...

Lawsuits allege Round Up causes cancer

Over 43,000 lawsuits have been filed throughout the United States against Round Up manufacturer, Bayer AG (Bayer).  The cases allege that Monsanto, which was purchased by Bayer AG in 2018, knew, or should have known, that the product, which has been in widespread use since the 1970’s, was defective and dangerous and that it has engaged in deceptive marketing practices to build and maintain sales of the multi-billion dollar product.  The cases allege that Round Up with its active ingredient Glyph...

Workers Compensation Claims in Las Vegas

The Las Vegas construction boom continues.  While Project Neon, the largest public works project in Nevada history is complete, the I-15/Tropicana interchange project is just beginning, the Resorts World project continues, The Las Vegas Convention Center is undergoing expansion, Allegiant Stadium continues towards its July 2020 predicted completion date, and the housing boom continues unabated as Las Vegas continues to grow its population.  There’s still a lot of work continuing, not to mention ...

Injured Passengers in Nevada

Auto Accident Series (Supplemental 1) If you were injured while a passenger in a vehicle when an accident occurred, you probably have a valid claim to recover damages to cover your injuries.  You should contact the lawyers of the Richard Harris Law Firm to review details of your claim to determine your settlement options. Passengers in vehicles involved in auto accidents, unless they were a direct cause of the accident, are considered “fault free” and in most cases are eligible to claim fo...

What should I do if I’m a victim of a Road Rage Accident?

One of the most disturbing trends in driving is the increase in incidents of road rage.  Road rage can be frightening and can cause serious injuries, and even death, if a collision occurs.  Statistics indicate that road rage accidents are increasing nationwide.  In addition to civil actions you can take after a road rage accident, the offending driver may be subject to criminal penalties as well. Road rage takes many forms and can range from exchanging of hand signals, to excessive speeding, ...

Bicycle Accidents can be Devastating

We hear about people on bicycles being hit by cars, thankfully not very often.  Unfortunately, the accidents we don’t hear about in the news still leave many bicyclists seriously injured. The most recent bicycle accident that made the news occurred on October 29, on Warm Springs Road near Burnham.  In this case, a black SUV and a bicyclist collided, resulting in the bicyclist being transported to Sunrise Hospital in critical condition.  As of the time of this writing, the bicyclist’s condition ...

What is a Mass Tort

If you have been harmed, or a loved one or family member has died due to a defective product or a dangerous drug, you may be able to recover damages from the manufacturer among others, through what is called a Mass Tort case.  The pages of this blog regularly cover some of the latest news and give warnings of dangerous products, and defective drugs which have shown a history of dangerous side effects and injury to a significant population of their users.  The term, tort or mass tort is commo...


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