Pahrump Workers Compensation Lawyer

Pahrump might be far away from the lights of the Las Vegas Strip but it still is home to many Casino and Gambling Halls.

Pahrump even has a few  wineries that you can take tours of. Pahrump is a fast growing community in Nevada, from 2021 to 2022 employment in Pahrump grew by 6.2%.

Tourism still plays a major role in employment of the people of Pahrump. It is an avid spot for Golfers and outdoor enthusiasts.

There is also a lot of farmland in Pahrump that produces a variety of items.

Since Nevada is an ever growing state with new casinos and sports arenas being added all the time, it is no wonder that even Pahrump is growing.

With so many new people moving to places like Pahrump for a quieter life than living in Las Vegas , the population has exploded as well as the workforce in Pahrump.

Retirees are no longer the population of Pahrump. There is a full workforce that lives and works in Pahrump.

With a bigger workforce comes the added issues of workers being injured or hurt while working at their job. So what should happen if you are working at your job and injured while working in Pahrump?

Workers Compensation Can be difficult to manage and understand if you’ve never had to do it before. Since most people don’t expect to get injured while on the job it is not uncommon to be overwhelmed when trying to understand the complex issues of workers compensation.

If you work in Pahrump and were injured while at work you should speak with a legal expert who can give you some insight into what you’re looking at going forward.

If you were injured on the job in Pahrump contact The Richard Harris Law Firm.


Injured at work in Pahrump

If you’re injured at work there are several steps you need to take to insure that you are taken care of. Regardless of where you work the steps are the same. Time is very important when you are injured while working in Pahrump and the choices you make immediately can have a direct affect on the outcome, these steps include:

  1. Seek Medical Attention- No matter how small or inconsequential you think your injury might be, seek medical attention. You might have underlying injuries that you might not notice unless seen by a medical professional. Certain injuries like strains and sprains might not show themselves until much later. Most companies like casinos have medical providers that you are required to go to first that falls under their insurance. You must go to those providers first. Once you have gone to the authorized medical provider you may be able to go to your own choice doctors but only after the initial visit. You should seek medical attention immediately following the injury. Keep detailed records of all doctors visits and any treatments and follow ups.

  2. Report the injury-You must report the injury to your employer. This may happen when the injury occurs before you go to medical care. You report to a supervisor, manager, or security staff member. A report will be filed by your employer regarding the incident. Ask for a copy of that report. You can also notify your employer by filling out a Notice of Injury report. You may be required to have a phone call with a representative of the employer’s insurance verification system. This call will be recorded and you will need to give information about the accident. Stick to the details and facts, give no other information and if possible avoid the call altogether. However this may be a requirement when injured at work.

  3. File a claim-Complete the employee’s claim for compensation /report of initial treatment. The doctor will fill out a portion of this form and it will be sent to the employer’s insurance company. You have 90 days to do this, after 90 days you may lose the right to any compensation for your injury.

  4. Wait for a decision on your claim-The insurance company of your employer has 30 days to either approve or deny your claim.


Workers compensation cases can be confusing and difficult to navigate but these are the steps that must be taken to even be considered for workers compensation.


What if my workers compensation claim is denied in Pahrump?

Like most other accidents that involve insurance companies your claim may be denied the first time around. Insurance companies will do whatever they can to deny your claim or pay as little as possible even if the accident and injuries were not your fault. There are some steps you can take if your claim is denied the first time around.

  1. File an appeal with the Nevada Department of Administration(DOA)- You must submit a request for a hearing along with the denial letter you received.

  2. Time is important-You must file the appeal within 70 days of the date you received the denial letter.

  3. Attend the hearing-You will be given a hearing date for your appeal and you can either attend the hearing in person, by phone or you can submit a written statement. It is always best to attend the hearing in person if possible.

  4. What if my claim is still denied-You can further appeal the decision to higher level by filing an appeal with the Appeals Officer within 30 days of the second denial

Once you have exhausted these options and even before it is a good idea to speak with an experienced workers compensation lawyer in Nevada. An expert workers compensation attorney can guide you through the appeals process. They can also help explain the denial decision and help build a case to improve your chances of getting an ultimate approval of your claim.


Steps to take if injured while working in Pahrump

You need to be an advocate for yourself when you are injured on the job. The company is not going to do it for you and may even try to make you out to be the bad guy. Always be your own best advocate, take steps that can improve your chances of success from the beginning. Besides the steps we mentioned above there are some other things that you can do to help yourself.

  • Gather evidence- Most workplace accidents occur due to some unforeseen circumstances that could have been avoided. For example if you had a fall and were injured because a floor was wet and not cleaned up in a timely manner, this is negligent on the part of your employer and not your fault. If you can take photos and video of the area where the incident occured. If a coworker saw the accident gather their information and ask them to give a statement to the employer and your attorney if necessary. Get copies of all reports and medical treatments and keep detailed records. The more evidence you have the better.

  • Follow all medical advice-When you seek medical treatment for a work related injury the doctors might tell you to be off work for a while to restrict you to certain types of work while you recover. Don’t try to go back early or do a job that you can’t. Take the time the doctor says you need, going back early can give your employer ammunition to deny your claim.

  • Seek Legal advice-It could be the day after your injury or the day your claim was first denied but the best advice to be your own advocate is to speak with an experienced workers compensation lawyer. The sooner you do this the better, a legal advocate can help you through the claims process and advise you what your best options are for a favorable outcome.


Workers Compensation Benefits in Pahrump

Unlike personal injury claims, workers compensation only covers some things associated with your injuries.

Lost wages- you can recover lost wages through temporary or permanent disability benefits.

Medical expenses-You can recover or have paid any medical expenses related to your work injury only. This includes emergency care , ambulance rides, ongoing and future care and assistance devices like wheelchairs.


Workers compensation does not cover pain and suffering, minor injuries that are remedied by the first treatment of medical care like cuts that need stitches. Workers compensation does not cover stress or mental health considerations.


What Should I do if I’m injured on the job in Pahrump

First you should file a workers compensation claim. In Pahrump if you have a work related injury you cannot sue your employer because Nevada operated under the exclusive remedy law, that means that filing a workers compensation claim is your only legal option to recover for a work related injury when your employer has workers compensation insurance.

Workers compensation is a no fault system meaning ; you can recover benefits regardless of who is at fault.

You might be able to file suit against your employer if there was intentional misconduct that led to the injury or your employer does not have workers compensation insurance.

Even though you might think  you have no recourse against your employer when you’re injured while working in Pahrump, that is not the case. You should always speak with an experienced workers compensation attorney who can guide you through the process. You may have a case after all but you must speak with a lawyer who can determine if you have a case of workers comp. Workers compensation is a difficult process and if not properly can lead to denial of your claim and lost wages and leftover medical bills. If you have been injured while working in Pahrump contact Nevada’s premier workers compensation lawyers at The Richard Harris Law Firm.

The Richard Harris Law Firm has been representing clients against big corporate clients for over 40 years. Our track record speaks for itself. The Richard Harris LAw Firm has the history and resources to help build a case to get your workers compensation claim approved and get you the compensation you’re entitled to. If your claim is ultimately denied then there are other avenues we may be able to take and we can advise you what those may be. Call The Richard Harris Law Firm if you have been injured while working in Pahrump. Let our team of expert workers compensation lawyers discuss your claim and how we can help you. Call Today.