The Risk of PTSD After a Car Accident

need lawyer for car accident and ptsd

Any type of accident can be a traumatic event.

When someone is in an automobile accident there can be post-traumatic stress disorder that a person may have to deal with following a crash.

Emotional and psychological problems can be damaging and debilitating to a person after an accident.

Sometimes the shock can come later than the physical injuries once there is the time to think about the event.

An accident can leave a person questioning things and placing unnecessary guilt on themselves which can create than a downward spiral of mental health.

Even if there was nothing they could do and was not at fault.

This is especially true if there was an injury or death that took place.

If you were in an accident due to the negligence of another and are mentally affected by it there is a good chance that you may have PTSD.

It is important that you get help for these issues.

It is also wise to contact a personal injury lawyer that specializes in car accidents and PTSD cases.

You may be eligible for compensation.

Call Richard Harris Today!


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Why Call Richard Harris?

Richard Harris is a personal injury law firm in the state of Nevada.

We have been in business for over 40 years servicing clients with all types of cases from Reno and Tahoe, down to Vegas and Boulder City.

Car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle,Uber and pedestrian accidents are our specialty.

PTSD can be associated with a many number of accidents with injury.

Physical and emotional trauma can leave a person with mental health issues from the experience.

In some cases, no amount of money can ever truly cover the tragedy and trauma left behind after a horrific event.

It is important to seek for all the damages that you have suffered in order to get back on your feet and moving forward.

The Law Firm of Richard Harris can help!

  • Expert negotiators and trial attorneys
  • Have won over $1 Billion for our clients
  • Highly experienced and respected personal injury law firm in Nevada

If you or a loved one had PTSD after an auto accident, contact our law offices today!


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a mental health condition that is caused by an event that is terrifying to the person involved.

Thoughts of the accident may bring high anxiety and uncontrollable emotion to a person diagnosed with this.

There are some common symptoms that may be experienced by a person with PTSD.

High Anxiety – The stress of the event can cause a person to avoid others and places that remind them of the accident. This could affect close relationships and the person may shut off from the rest of the world. This is not healthy at all. Being emotionally numb can lead to depression. Feeling helpless with negative thoughts can be devastating. Severe depression can lead to suicide.

Flashbacks – This is often referred to as having intrusive memories. Thinking back and reliving the accident and tragic event over and over again can be harmful. Being upset by the memory and having nightmares and dreams can cause serious physical reactions that are not healthy. It is common to feel guilty even you are not to blame. Thinking of things that you may have done differently that may have avoided the accident.

Feeling on Edge – This may be symptomatic of a person being easily frightened or startled when they were not before the accident. Being overly cautious, and expecting danger all the time can be harmful. This emotional trauma can lead to drugs and alcoholic behavior in order to mask the pain.

Sleep Disorder – Sleep issues can lead to fatigue and tiredness that can make the PTSD worse. The problem may be that the person has a hard time sleeping because they are haunted with the thoughts when they go to sleep. Anxiously waking up and having trouble getting the rest needed to be healthy. Sleep can be affected in the sense that the person may be sleeping too much. Not wanting to deal with reality is another symptom.

Trouble Concentrating – A person with post dramatic stress disorder can often find themselves struggling to focus their thoughts and concentrate as they once did. This can affect job performance at the workplace which can lead to losing work and time off from the job. A student trying to keep up on class work and studies will have a tough time as well. Trying to find enjoyment in the things that a person once did can be difficult for those with PTSD.

With PTSD a person may have a hard time getting back into their day-to-day life.

It may take some time for these symptoms to subside where a person can return to some kind of normalcy.

If an event severely affects a person than the PTSD may take years to get better.

It is important to seek the help of a health care professional.



car accident injuries that can cause ptsd

Car Accident Injuries That Can Cause PTSD

Automobile Accident – Any of the people directly involved in an auto accident can be traumatically affected. If there is serious injury and suffering in a crash the physical and mental condition of those involved could be damaging.

A person fearing for their life can do serious damage psychologically.

  • Paralysis – A car accident can cause someone to lose feeling in their limbs and body function. This is most traumatic and the victim will need long term care. This constant reminder of the tragic event can cause guilt and PTSD to everyone involved.
  • AmputationsLosing a limb is one of the worst-case scenarios in an automobile accident. Anytime this happens there will be major emotional trauma left behind.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury – A person with brain injury is another tragic injury. In some cases, the brain damage may be so severe that the person will need a life time of care. With all serious injuries the emotional fallout to everyone involved can be just as severe as the physical.

The injuries can be catastrophic in a car accident.

It is also valid to say that even if a person is not seriously injured, they may still have emotional damage from what they witnessed.

The fear alone of a terrifying event and near death experienced can last a lifetime.


Compensation for Damages Caused by PTSD

Yes, it is possible to be compensated for damages from an automobile accident that causes PTSD.

It is important to contact an experienced attorney that can look at the facts of your case.

Richard Harris is experienced in PTSD car accident victim cases and can help answer any questions that you may have.

Some of the PTSD damages in the lawsuit related to the case may include; medical costs, counseling, therapy, psychoanalysis, and other types of mental health treatments that a person may receive.

Consulting with an expert car accident attorney is highly recommended to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the highest amount of compensation.


 FAQ’s We Hear Often

We get the same questions all the time, but if you have been injured and PTSD is now a part of your life then call us for a FREE consultation today.

  1. How much is my PTSD claim worth?
  2. How big is a PTSD settlement?
  3. Do I need a Personal injury lawyer for a PTSD claim?
  4. How much do PTSD injury lawyers charge?


There is Help for Victims of PTSD

If you have been in an automobile accident due to the fault of another the person at fault should be held liable for damages.

If you have PTSD after an accident than this should also be part of the assessed damages.

It is important to seek medical attention if you have PTSD following a car crash.

Below are some of the treatments that can help.

  1. Counseling – An accident victim will need a professional that specializes in PTSD. The goal is to get the person back to their life as it was before the accident occurred.
  2. Discuss the Events – It is important for the victim speak of the events that took place and witnessed. This will help them and their therapist to put the events in perspective. The victim can then move forward and try and regain control of their life.
  3. Educate the Victim – Letting the victim know that they are not alone in their reaction to this type of an event will help them process it. It is normal to have stress and anxiety after a traumatic event. Educating the victims loved ones is also important in helping in the recovery. That way they can understand better what the person is going through.
  4. Recovery – This may take some time. Sometimes the emotions and thoughts will come to surface quickly. Other times they may come later taking more time for recovery. Every case is different depending on the accident and person.
  5. Medicine – The doctor may prescribe medication that can help with anxiety and other symptoms that the person may have.

Getting in any type of accident is always stressful even if it is just a simple fender bender.

If a crash is traumatic, it can have a serious effect on a person.

Richard Harris has worked on many car accident cases with PTSD and is ready to work for you.

Call us, email, or just come by the office.



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