Injured at the Thomas & Mack Center

injury from thomas and mack center


This facility is located in Paradise, NV, on the campus of the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV).

The Thomas and Mack Center has a deep history.

It has hosted a long list of concerts and events since its inception in 1983.

Some of the world’s most famous musical entertainers have performed here.

This includes Frank Sinatra, KISS, AC/DC, Guns n Roses, and Elton John.

With a capacity of around 18,000, crowds can get wild.

Thomas and Mack host a lot more than just concerts and basketball games.

Over the years, it has accommodated rodeos, hockey, boxing, arena football, conventions, and other major events.

To this day, it is still one of the busiest arenas in the Las Vegas Valley.

The close proximity to the ‘world-famous strip’ allows tourists and locals easy access.

Going to an event at the Thomas and Mack can be a lot of fun.

There is always the risk of an accident when large groups of people gather in an arena setting.

Sometimes these accidents can cause injuries.

If you or a loved one were injured at the Thomas and Mack Center, you may be entitled to compensation.


How Injuries Happen at the Thomas and Mack Center

There is always a risk of injury at concerts or other types of events.

Many different situations and factors can potentially be dangerous.

Slips, Trips, and Falls: This is one of the most common ways that a guest can get injured. Floors that are wet, uneven, or cluttered can cause a fall. Walkways and stairs can be dangerous if they are not maintained properly. Food and drinks are served at the arena. Some of it will find its way on to the floor. Floors need to be cleaned and mopped in a timely manner in order to avoid slips and falls. Bathrooms can have spills from faucets and toilets. It is important that they are checked regularly for wet floors and attended to.

Structural Hazards: Proper maintenance must be done on the facility in order to keep it safe for guests. This facility has scoreboards, lights, and chairs that all need to be serviced regularly. Balconies and stairs need to be maintained in order to have a safe event. Falling out of a broken chair can cause an injury. Speakers and lighting rigs above the crowds and participants must be secured. Even the new buildings can have property defects. This is also true of these older, renovated structures like the Thomas and Mack Center.

Crowd Incidents: All sorts of issues can arise when large crowds come together. Concerts can have rowdy guests. Sporting events can have their share of raucous attendees. Alcohol can play a role in this as well. Fights and chaotic behavior can break out and cause serious injury to an innocent bystander. Being trampled in a crowd can happen when crowds get out of hand. Security and employees must be on the lookout for all types of dangerous conditions.

Inadequate Security: Many of the hazardous conditions can be avoided. Security and staff play a large role in the safety of events at the Thomas and Mack. Security personnel must be properly trained and prepared to handle all kinds of situations.

Parking Lot Dangers: Large events come with all kinds of hazards. Some of these are inside the facility where the event is going on. Dangers can also appear outside the venue in the parking lot or parking garages on the property. These can include car accidents, falls, physical altercations, and theft. Venues need to provide adequate safety throughout the property. Proper lighting is important for guest safety in these spaces. Security needs to monitor the outside area. Parking lot employees can help the flow of traffic coming on and off the property safely.

Owners and managers of properties like the Thomas and Mack Center must provide a safe environment for their guests.

Proving that they were negligent will take the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.

The Law Offices of Richard Harris understand these types of accident lawsuits.

Let us take a look at all the evidence in your case.

Then we can give our expert advice on your best options moving forward.


richard harris knows premises liability law


Richard Harris Knows Nevada Premises Liability Laws

If you were injured at the Thomas & Mack Center, you may be able to file a lawsuit.

Proving negligence will be vital to winning your case.

Premises liability laws state that an owner or manager must provide a reasonably safe property to guests.

They must also let the guests know of any hazardous conditions that they are aware of.

Proving this will take an attorney who knows Nevada premises liability laws.


In order to win a premises liability lawsuit, you must be able to prove:

A hazardous condition is on the property.

The owner or management knew of this hazardous condition. It could also be concluded that they should have known about it.

Because of the hazardous condition, an injury occurred.


Richard Harris understands premises liability lawsuits and how to win these cases.

We have been in Las Vegas since 1980.

Our attorneys are highly knowledgeable negotiators.

Taking on the insurance companies on your own can be difficult.

We also have top-rated trial attorneys if your case needs to go to court.



Damages from Injuries at the Thomas & Mack Center

If you were injured due to the negligence of another, you have every right to seek damages.

Every accident has its own set of facts and circumstances.

Damages will vary depending on the severity and expense of the injury.

Medical Expenses: This includes any costs that were a direct result of the accident. An ambulance ride to the emergency room, medication, doctor visits, therapy, and rehabilitation. If the injury is serious, it may need surgery and extended time in the hospital. When injuries are severe, long-term care costs can be expensive.

Wages: Getting injured often leads to a loss of work. This could mean less work in some cases. In cases of more severe injuries, the possibility of losing your job is a real one. Loss of employment can be financially devastating. Future earnings may also be lost due to the injury.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses: For any extra expenses resulting from the injury, we will seek reimbursement. This can include Uber rides to doctor appointments or any modification costs that you have to make at home.

Pain and Suffering: The extent of these damages can vary. This includes the physical pain that the accident caused. It also allows compensation for emotional distress.

Loss of Consortium: This refers to how the injury affected the relationship and companionship.

Richard Harris will do our best to get you the maximum compensation for all the damages.

We work on a contingency basis.

This means that we only get paid if you win your case.

We charge no upfront fees. Contact us today for a free consultation.


Injuries at Concerts and Sporting Events

Events at the Thomas & Mack Center bring enthusiastic fans to the property. In this type of atmosphere, injuries will sometimes happen.

Broken bones: When large crowds surge and someone falls, injury is possible. When too much pressure is put on a person’s bone, it can break. All the bones are at risk. If there is a fight or aggression in the crowd, facial bones can be fractured. It is best to avoid physical contact at these events. Elbows in a mosh pit can be unpredictable.

TBI: Slip and fall accidents can cause Traumatic Brain Injury. Slipping on a spilled drink or wet tile in the bathroom can cause injury. Hitting the head on the hard ground is dangerous. Symptoms can range from minor to major. In severe cases of TBI, a person may need lifetime care.

Crushing Injuries: Large crowds can push forward and crush concertgoers. These injuries can be life-threatening. We have seen these kinds of injuries at concerts over the years. From the days of The Who to a more recent Travis Scott concert, fatalities have occurred.

It is important that anyone attending an event at the Thomas & Mack Center be aware of the dangers.

Stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

The goal is to have a great time and avoid an injury.

If an injury does occur, get medical attention immediately.

Call the Law Offices of Richard Harris at 702-781-7912


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