Blind Spot Truck Accidents

blind spot truck accidents


The Las Vegas highways and city streets are getting busier every day.

The population is also on the rise.

Construction on our roads is constant.

There are more commercial trucks driving around as well.

Large trucks can have a hard time seeing the smaller vehicles.

Truck accidents are on the increase and blind spots are one of the main reasons.

Truck drivers are held to a higher professional standard then the rest of us.

There is a serious responsibility of managing such a large vehicle.

Anytime a semi-truck gets in a crash the damages can be major.

These crashes can also be fatal. These big rigs can weigh up to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded.

Drivers must have their CDL in order to carry such a load.

With all the training and safety measures accidents still occur.

If you were injured in a truck accident don’t wait to ask for help, call us today.


Blind Spot Truck Accident Lawyer

Getting in a wreck with a commercial truck can be horrifying.

A truck accident will most likely come with injury.

If you have been injured in a blind spot truck accident call Richard Harris.

We specialize in all types of truck accidents.

Blind spot accidents can leave survivors traumatized.

It may be a long road ahead for a full recovery.

Medical bills and all kinds of other expenses can add to the stress.

Having a truck accident attorney can help you with these burdens.

If you had a loved one die in a blind spot truck accident our law offices are here for you.

Filing a wrongful death claim can be complex on your own.

If you have any questions give us a call. Our first consultation is always free.


Where Are the Commercial Trucks Blind Spots?

Truck accidents can happen in a lot of different ways.

Truck drivers are aware of their blind spots.

They do their best to avoid accidents.

Passenger vehicle drivers should also be aware of these blind spots.

Remember that truck drivers sit up much higher than cars do.

This can make it difficult sometimes to see if the car is at a certain angle.

Some of the various blind spots include;

  1. To the Left – Passenger vehicles can be hard to see when traveling next a commercial truck. Mirrors are helpful most of the time but not always. When a car or smaller vehicle is to the left at a certain spot, they can go undetected.
  2. To the Right – Checking the mirror on the right-hand side can be just as difficult as the left. The blind spot on the right can sometimes be even larger. There are no windows to look through like a passenger vehicle. You are solely dependent on the mirror. Vision to the right is marginal.
  3. Behind – If a car gets too close to the rear of a truck, they can get lost. Cars will sometimes try to draft with the wind of the truck. This is often referred to as tailgating. Getting too close to the back of a truck is dangerous. It can be disastrous if they put the brakes on.
  4. Front – This is an issue in judgement. Having a passenger vehicle to close in the front is dangerous. The truck driver may see things differently. A car may not appear in the truck driver’s sights because of how high they sit up in the cab.

Avoiding these blind spots is important when traveling next to an 18-wheeler.

There are some things that you can do in order to avoid these dangers.


avoid blind spot truck crash


Avoid a Blind Spot Accident with A Big Rig

Blind spots with semi-trucks are referred to as ‘no zones.’

These are the area that are the most dangerous when traveling next to a commercial truck.

Avoid them at all times.

  • Avoid traveling close in front of a big rig. The truck driver will have a more difficult time seeing cars too close and directly in front of them.
  • Always give the big rig plenty of room to maneuver. They may take longer to change lanes and get through intersections. Be patient.
  • If you are planning on passing a big rig, do it on the left. Do it quickly.
  • Don’t hang out next to a semi-truck. Either get by them or settle in behind them. Always giving them plenty of room.
  • Use Signals – Signal early. Let them know your intentions by using the blinkers.
  • Be aware of the fact that a large truck will need more time braking and coming to a complete stop.
  • Drive safely and consistently when around a truck. Try and make eye contact in the mirrors with them. If you can’t see them in the mirror, they may also have a difficult time seeing you.


Common Blind Spot Accidents

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports on truck accidents nationwide.

In Nevada the numbers in 2023 so far are consistent with years of the past.

This includes the number of accidents, fatalities, and injuries caused by truck accidents.

Here are some of the most common blind spot crashes on the roadways of Nevada.

  • Rollovers – Having a truck roll over can do major damage. There are many ways that this can occur. If a truck changes lanes and doesn’t see the vehicle next to him is one way. The truck driver can jerk the wheel to get back in their original lane and cause this. If the load in the carrier is not evenly distributed or gets displaced this can only add to chance. Rolling on top of another car will have catastrophic results.
  • Wide Turns – A big rig driver can easily lose sight of another vehicle when turning. Swinging the truck around a corner can be difficult. It is always best to stay clear of these large trucks when they are taking a turn.
  • Tire Blowout – These happen all the time on the highways of Nevada. It is common to see shredded truck tires on the road or the side of the road when driving along. If a truck does have a blowout the driver will often try and pull over to the side of the road. If they do not see you in the blind spot, they can hit you. This can happen at high speeds and quickly.
  • Changing Lanes – This can happen on any roadway. Put on the blinker and the truck moves to another lane. That is great if they see you. If they do not then all types of bad results can occur.

Truck crashes can often result in multiple car pileups.

This can create havoc for many unsuspecting vehicles sharing the road.


Damages from a Blind Spot Crash

Getting hit by a truck in a blind spot accident can leave many different types of damages.

The damage to the vehicle is only the beginning.

Insurance companies will usually put up a fight.

Even if there is overwhelming evidence.

Truck drivers and the companies they work for will not make it easy for you.

Trying to get a fair settlement and take on the legal battle alone will be difficult.

When there are injuries involved getting healed up should be your focus.

We will be fighting for justice and holding the responsible person or party accountable.

Some of the most common damages we will be seeking include;

  • Medical Expenses – Truck accident injuries tend to be more damaging. The size and weight of a semi can cause serious harm. Broken bones, Traumatic Brain Injury, and back injuries will need extended medical attention. Visits to the doctor can be ongoing for months, years, or forever. Long term care is expensive. Surgeries are often needed in serious truck accidents. These bills will put financial stress on the victim. Having a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can help you recoup these expenses. We will take on the insurance and trucking companies. We will go after all medical costs that were caused by the blind spot accident.
  • Lost Wages – When a person is injured, they often can’t return to work. The time off work will vary depending on the severity of the injuries. When injuries are severe you may never be able to return. This is especially true in jobs where you need to be physically fit to work. Losing work will mean losing money. We will take a look at the lost wages now and in the future. We will put a number on these costs and seek the maximum amount.
  • Pain and Suffering – If you were injured by negligence, you can pursue non-financial and economic damages. The goal is that the victim is restored back to the physical and emotional place they were before the injury. The level of discomfort will be a determining factor in the damages. Speaking with an experienced attorney is recommended.

The Law Offices of Richard Harris are experts at negotiating.

We have won Billions for our clients in Nevada.

Let us take a look at your case.

Give us a call today!