Pedestrian Accidents 

pedestrian accidents are caused by

Pedestrian accidents are more common than they used to be, especially in areas like Las Vegas where people do a lot of walking.

The invention of the e-bike has also played a role in more people getting around using other forms of transportation than a car.

In large cities a lot of people choose to use alternate forms of transportation since having a car can be very expensive.

Having a car in a big city could be so pricey that it’s just not worth the expense.

Think about insurance, parking, repairs, registration and smog or any other expenses associated with owning a vehicle.

So people tend to opt for other forms of transportation like walking, bike riding, e-bikes, even roller-skating to get around.

But putting vehicles and pedestrians together on the roadway can be a recipe for disaster.

The problem stems from the fact that everyone thinks they have the right of way or that where they’re going is the most important.

Drivers think the road belongs to cars and bike riders think they have the right of way.

There are laws that are in place that dictate who has the right of way and when, but most are dismissed until an accident actually happens.

When accidents between pedestrians and drivers happen they can be severe, even deadly.

You should know your rights if you were a pedestrian or a loved one was injured or killed in an accident.

If you were injured as a pedestrian in Las Vegas or any other area of Nevada The Richard Harris Law Firm can try to help.

The Richard Harris Law Firm will maximize the compensation you receive to make sure you only have to worry about getting well.

Call for a free consultation appointment with a lawyer today.


Most Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Negligent Drivers

A majority of pedestrian accidents happen due to negligent drivers. Negligent driving involves any types of driving of a vehicle that are unsafe or not legal.

Most laws like cell phone laws for example are put in place for the safety of everyone on the road. People should know what these safety laws are when operating a motor vehicle.

The following are types of negligent driving:


Distracted driving, being on the phone, eating are examples of distracted driving

Tailgating or following another driver to closely

Failure to yield to pedestrians in  their right of way

Failure to stop and traffic signs and signals


Driving while tired

Making unlawful turns

Failure to use turn signals

Road rage incidents

Reckless or aggressive driving

When negligent or unlawful driving is the reason for a pedestrian accident, the driver will be held accountable.

The liable party or driver can be held accountable for your injuries.

With the help from an experienced legal team you can explore your options and get the compensation you deserve.


Auto Defects

It is not unusual for automobiles to have issues and defects.

Defects start at the manufacturers.

Even when car companies realize the mistake and take steps to repair them in the form of recalls these defects can cause dangerous situations.

This can lead to devastating accidents when these defects involve not being able to stop or avoiding a crash into a pedestrian.

Some of the most common vehicle defects include:

  1. Airbags
  2. Seat belts
  3. Fuel Pumps
  4. Steering Columns
  5. Ignition Switches
  6. Tires
  7. Brakes

When a vehicle has defective parts installed in them and they are the cause of a pedestrian accident, you have the right to file a lawsuit.

  • Auto parts manufacturers

  • Vehicle parts designers

  • Parts distributors and suppliers

  • Auto parts retail stores

  • Car dealerships

  • Safety inspectors

  • Mechanics

  • Top executives at these companies


Hazardous Road Conditions

Dangerous road conditions means many things including weather or wildlife but in this case we mean dangerous roads or hazardous road conditions that lead to pedestrian accidents.

The most common hazardous road conditions that cause injury are:

  • Failure to repair or replace traffic and street lights

  • Failure to replace or repairs missing or broken street signs

  • Failure to properly secure construction sites on roadways

  • Failure to repair potholes or broken uneven pavement

  • Failure to install street lights in dangerous intersections

  • Failure to install proper sidewalks or walkways for pedestrians


In most cases these hazardous road conditions are only a partial cause of the pedestrian accident and not the only cause.

People are still responsible for their actions and being aware of their surroundings.

But if the signs for the roadway were not visible because they are not properly maintained and it contributed to the accident then their are parties that can be held liable:

  • The state government officials

  • Local Municipalities

  • Government officials

  • Nevada Department of Transportation

  • Government contracted safety inspectors

  • Government contracted construction workers

  • The transportation authority


Pedestrian Errors

Pedestrians often play a role in their accidents and are not just innocent victims.

Crossing the street against the crosswalk or when you fail to wait for the signals to cross safely you may share some of the blame in your accident if you are struck by a vehicle.

Usually people in the crosswalk have the right of way on the signal.

Cases become more difficult when there isn’t any crosswalk signal.

Since pedestrians make mistakes too, you may hold a portion of the responsibility for your accident and injuries.

In Nevada as long as you’re not 50% or more the reason for the accident you can recover a portion of damages.

Damages recovered are based on percentage of blame.

For example if you are held 20% responsible for your pedestrian accident then $100,000 in compensation will be reduced to $80,000, because 20% of $100,000 is $20,000.

So the 20% reduction is $100,000-$20,000=$80,000.

Make sure you speak with an attorney about shared liability since it is one of the ways the defense avoids liability.


Pedestrian Accident Victims Get Compensation

If you have been hit by a car while walking or bike riding you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries.

The are two basic ways to go about this:

  1. Filing a claim with the insurance company- This gives you the opportunity to recover damages for medical expenses and property damage.

  2. File a claim against the liable party- This gives the victim the opportunity to recover damages for everything that has affected you from this accident. Recoverable damages include:

  • Pain and suffering

  • Lost wages current and future

  • Diminished quality of life

  • Medical expenses

  • Mental pain and suffering


With a lawsuit or personal injury claim you need a lawyer.

Only an in depth investigation will determine who is at fault for your accident.

Call us today.


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