Urgent Care or ER after an Accident in Nevada
When involved in a motor vehicle accident in Nevada should you go to the urgent care or the emergency room?
Or do you even have the choice.
This all depends on the severity of your injuries and the location of the nearest hospital or urgent care.
Also your insurance plays a role in what they pay regardless of the accident. But regardless of whether you go to the ER or urgent care you should always seek medical attention right away.
If the police are offering to take you by ambulance from the accident scene then you should go regardless of whether you think your injuries are severe or minor.
If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident in Las Vegas (or Reno, Summerlin, Henderson, etc.) you should just seek medical attention.
You may have injuries that you’re not even aware of.
Contact The Richard Harris Law Firm
Always make getting medical attention the first priority after a motor vehicle accident in Nevada.
Choosing to go to the ER or urgent care can be a difficult decision in the moment, but get medical attention no matter what.
After or even during your treatment people are going to be asking a lot of questions.
The Richard Harris law firm can help with all types of motor vehicle accidents in Nevada.
We have offices in Las Vegas and Reno.
We are Nevada’s biggest accident law firm.
Insurance companies will try and minimize the accident to pay as little as possible or even not pay at all. Also insurance companies have a large legal team on their side. Why shouldn’t you?
The Richard Harris law firm will not be bullied by big insurance companies.
We fight for clients and will only accept the highest possible settlement for your injuries.
We have helped thousands of clients in Nevada, if you’ve been injured in a car accident in Nevada call The Richard Harris Law Firm today.
Pay no Fees Until we Win Your Case
The Richard Harris Law Firm will not take any money up front.
As a rule you should never hire an attorney that expects payment up front for an injury accident case.
We charge no upfront fees.
We will take all the financial risk until we settle the case.
Call us today for a free consultation or case review.
Our law firm has thousands of satisfied clients and we have recovered over $1 billion for our clients in Las Vegas and all of Nevada.
How Long To Seek Medical Attention After an Accident
As we have discussed you should always seek medical attention when involved in a motor vehicle accident even if you consider your injuries minor.
Insurance companies are always looking to not pay a claim or to pay as little as possible.
You are giving them the opportunity to deny or minimize your claim.
Usually there is a two year statute of limitations on personal injury claims and this is the case in Nevada.
So no matter what, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible after an accident.
If the police offer to send you to either the ER or urgent care in an ambulance you should always go.
By not going right away you are giving the insurance company an out to pay as little as possible or deny your claim all together.
Always call an attorney as soon as possible as well, having the right legal team on your side after an accident can mean the difference between getting the best settlement available or not at all.
If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident in Nevada call The Richard Harris Law Firm for a free consultation.
Dealing with Insurance Companies After an Accident
Insurance companies are in the business of making money just like all other businesses.
After you file a claim and get any sort of payment your insurance premium may go up even a little bit because they had to pay you.
But make no mistake, insurance companies will use many tactics to deny or minimize your personal injury claim.
Never speak to any insurance adjuster without calling Richard Harris Law Firm ahead of time.
Any statements made by you can be used against you when asking for payment or settlement from insurance companies.

don’t fight the insurance companies alone
Below are some of the tactics that insurance companies use to deny claims.
- Calling immediately after the accident- someone from your insurance or the other person’s insurance may call you immediately after the accident, sometimes even the same day. You may want to talk to someone but don’t talk to anyone from the insurance company without speaking to an accident attorney from the Richard Harris Law Firm.
- Asking for a signed medical authorization- Never ever do this without speaking to a lawyer first. By doing this you are giving an insurance adjuster and company access to your medical records and doctors. This information is private for a reason. Don’t let them use your medical records against you. Only release this information to your immediate family and your personal injury attorney like The Richard Harris Law Firm.
- Offering a quick settlement in return for a release of claim- So you have medical bills piling up and other bills because you haven’t worked since you were injured. The insurance company calls and offers you a settlement right away, you’re thinking I need this it will take care of all my problems right? Don’t do it… The insurance company knows that if they pay you an amount now you can’t go to court and get what you really need for the future. Having The Richard Harris Law Firm on your side, we will get you the absolute highest amount for your accident settlement.
- Claiming the insured is at fault or denies the claim- Insurance companies will try and blame the insured, making them at fault and therefore denying your claim. They also can deny certain expenses based on at fault and out of pocket expenses. Call The Richard Harris Law Firm if you have been injured in an automobile accident before you speak to an insurance company.
How to Decide to Go to ER or Urgent Care in Nevada
If you’re in an accident and maybe you think your injuries are minor do you go to the ER or the Urgent care?
If you have the choice and aren’t seriously injured and sent by the ambulance then you have a decision to make.
If you are going to the ER you should consider the following:
ER will take patients without the ability to pay- if you have insurance make sure the ER is aware and bills your insurance.
ER doctors base the ability to be seen on the severity of your injuries- if you have minor injuries like cuts and scrapes you may wait a long time to be seen.
ERs are just a triage area- ER is designed to just treat immediate injuries and base everything on the severity of the injuries. The ER doctors may treat you and send you home to follow up with your regular doctor or they may admit you to the hospital. Whatever the aftercare plan is, you should always follow the doctor’s orders.
ER’s take all patients and can be a very scary place during a very scary time.
Calling an experienced attorney after an accident can help you navigate through the ER red tape.
If your thinking about Urgent care you might consider this:
Urgent care treats less severe injuries- If you have cuts and scrapes this may be the best option for you.
Urgent care doesn’t accept an ambulance- You need to drive yourself or have someone drive you to the Urgent care. If you are sent by an ambulance you are going to the ER and you should go no matter what
Urgent care takes patients in the order they arrive- Wait time in the URgent care is based on when you arrive not the severity of your injury like the ER.
Urgant will send you to the ER if they can’t treat your injuries so be careful because you may pay twice.
No matter what you choose or whether or not you are sent by ambulance.
Always call for legal assistance if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident in Nevada.
Call The Richard Harris Law Firm today for a free consultation.