7 Traffic Laws Often Broken by Nevada Drivers

When driving around Nevada most people follow the traffic laws for the most part, but there are always a few that people break regularly like speeding or failure to stop at a yellow light.

Traffic rules and laws can become blurry to the average citizen when things like construction happen and roads are closed.

Nevada and its roadways have been under construction for years and continue to be as the population grows and things like F1 Racing come to town.

Most people don’t intentionally break traffic laws and it happens by accident.

How many times have you approached a yellow light and instead of slowing down at the yellow light you speed up and run through it?

We all have done it, knowing you are breaking the law but thinking I don’t want to get stuck at this light, or I’m going to be late for work.

Going through a yellow light doesn’t make you a tough criminal, but it is a traffic law that is broken quite often and it can lead to an accident.

There are some common traffic laws that are broken more than others, knowing what they are can prevent getting a ticket or getting into an accident.

  1. Slower Traffic Keep Right Law: Nevada requires a slower driver to keep to the right. If you are driving below the speed limit, you cannot drive in the far left lane if another vehicle is overtaking you from behind. The rule doesn’t apply if you’re passing even slower traffic or making a left turn. If the traffic, weather, or other hazardous conditions like an accident force you into the left lane this rule does not apply.

  2. The Flow of Traffic Minimum Speed Rule: Nevada deems it illegal to drive at such a low rate of speed that you cause a delay in traffic for another driver. The traffic code also allows authorities to establish minimum speed limits if slow speeds regularly hinder traffic movement in that area. For example there are minimum posted speed limits on the I-15 Freeway between California and Nevada, as well as maximum speed limits. You cannot drive too slow to hinder traffic, unless you need to do so to operate your vehicle safely and follow the law. Doing the speed limit won’t get you a ticket if everyone else is speeding. This also counts if your vehicle is damaged and you’re making your way to the exit or the shoulder and need to move slowly to get the vehicle there.

  3. Passing in the Left Lane Law: To pass another driver you must do so on the left at a safe distance. You cannot return to the right lane until you pass the other vehicle fully. To pass correctly you must wait until the left lane is clear of approaching vehicles. You must be able to pass on the left without interfering with the safety of other drivers on either side of the road. If you are being passed you must yield to the other driver passing you and you cannot speed up until they have completely passed you.

  4. Nevada Following Too Close Rule: No tailgating, in Nevada you must leave enough room between your car and the car in front of you. The law prohibits driving too close and requires you to be reasonable and prudent when driving behind another vehicle. The required distance between you and the driver in front of you depends on how fast you’re going, the condition of the road, and the traffic.

  5. Nevada Mobile Phone Hands Free Driving Rule: It is against the law to drive and use a hand held operated phone while driving. You cannot send texts, read emails, search the internet or make calls using your hand held phone. You must have a hands free option. There are certain emergency situations and calling the police that will not be considered illegal.

  6. Nevada Four Way Intersection Law: This one people might not know. If two cars enter a 4 way stop intersection at the same time the driver to the right gets to go first. The car on the left side must yield to the other driver, hence the term “right of way.

  7. The Left Turn Intersection Law: If you’re making a left turn you must yield to oncoming traffic. You must negotiate the left turn as not to be hazardous to the oncoming driver. If they are too close you must let them pass before attempting your left turn.

Consider this a refresher course in Nevada traffic laws.

Knowing these laws and applying them can keep you from getting a ticket or even prevent an accident.

Not all accidents are preventable because no one has control of everything when they are driving, especially other drivers.

Outside elements also can play a part including construction, weather, etc.

However, knowing and following traffic laws can help minimize the chance of an accident.


Someone Else Failed to Obey the Laws

If you fail to follow the Nevada traffic laws and get into an accident you may not only get a ticket, you may be held liable for the other driver’s injuries and damages.

If you are the victim of an accident where someone neglected to follow the laws they may be liable for your injuries and expenses related to the accident and your injuries.

Either way you need to speak with a lawyer to understand the case and what your options might be.


Injured in an Accident and Not at Fault

If you’re the victim in an accident involving another driver that was violating the Nevada traffic laws there are few things to remember.

  1. Report the accident to the police as soon as possible

  2. Seek medical attention for any and all injuries as soon as possible

  3. Gather evidence like video or photos, witness statements

  4. Speak with a lawyer about your options

  5. Never speak with an insurance agent without first speaking with a lawyer



dealing with insurance company

Insurance Company Tips

When you are involved in an accident where someone has disobeyed traffic laws you will inevitably need to speak with both your insurance company and the insurance company of the other driver.

Never give written or recorded statements without speaking with a lawyer first.

Insurance companies are businesses first and looking to make profits.

An insurance adjuster will seem like your friend trying to help you, in reality they are looking for any chance to give you a low offer or deny your claim altogether.

Never admit guilt or fault in any way no matter what the circumstances.

Your best bet is to hire an injury lawyer who will then deal with the insurance company for you.


Why Choose The Richard Harris Law Firm

If you’re injured in an accident and the other driver was at fault then you need to seek legal advice.

The Richard Harris Law Firm has been representing accident victims for over 40 years.

Our team has been able to recover Billions of dollars in compensation for our clients in that time.

Our team of expert lawyers will devise a strategic plan to get you the settlement you deserve.

We never take any fees up front and only receive payment when we win your case. Call today for a free consultation.


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