Las Vegas Construction Accident Lawyer
The Las Vegas skyline reveals the abundance of construction site projects in town. The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) regulates working conditions to keep construction workers as safe as possible. Despite
precautions, Nevada employers
reported over 35,000 workplace injuries and illnesses in 2019.
Are you a Las Vegas construction worker or related to someone injured at one of Las Vegas’ many construction
sites? You could be eligible for maximum compensation for your work-related illness or injury. Getting the
compensation you need can be a considerable hurdle to overcome, but a knowledgeable and committed attorney can help
you rise to the challenge.
Our accomplished construction accident lawyers at Richard Harris Law Firm rely on a comprehensive knowledge of Nevada
Law and 40 years of experience serving Las Vegas residents. We achieve extraordinary results for our
You can get in touch with us at any moment by calling or texting (702) 444-4444. Request your free consultation today, and learn how our team
of personal injury lawyers can help you move forward with your life.
Construction Accident Resources

The timeline of a personal injury case can be complex and emotionally draining. At the Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm, we have a proven Case Resolution Process to ensure our team is communicating and preparing you for each stage and the best possible settlement.
Life-Changing Construction Accident Injury Compensation – Understanding Your Eligibility in Las Vegas
Each state has a system to handle work-related injuries and illnesses. In Nevada, workers’ compensation
insurance covers some expenses for employees who are injured on the job.
Employees affected by accidents have rights to file claims for:
- Medical treatment: Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical expenses related to
your construction accident or occupational condition. Emergency services, hospital bills, surgeries, and
prescriptions often qualify.
- Claims-related expenses: You can recover compensation for other costs associated with your Las
Vegas construction accident, including mileage reimbursement, meals, lodging, and airfare for medical treatment.
- Death benefits: Funeral, cremation, and burial costs are covered when a construction worker
passes away in a work-related accident. Spouses and children are eligible for a portion of the deceased worker’s
monthly wage. If necessary, a compassionate Las Vegas accident lawyer can take legal action to recover your
loved one’s death expenses.
In 2019, 888,220 nonfatal injuries and illnesses resulted
in missed work around the nation.
Lost wages fall into various categories:
- Temporary total disability (TTD): If you are temporarily unable to work, you might be entitled
to TTD compensation. An attorney can assist you to receive these benefits if your employer can’t
accommodate restrictions that your doctor places on your job duties.
- Temporary partial disability (TPD): Once you begin working again, your job duties might change
due to your injury. If these changes result in fewer wages than you would have been entitled to for TTD, workers’
compensation benefits will make up the difference for a maximum of 2 years.
- Permanent total disability (PTD): If a medical professional certifies that you are permanently
disabled, you are entitled to benefits amounting to about 67 percent of your average monthly wage.
- Vocational rehabilitation: What if a permanent physical impairment prevents you from returning
to your job? You might be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services to regain skills or find new
Unfortunately for injured Las Vegas construction workers, the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim
can seem impossibly complex. Small mistakes can delay or even invalidate your Nevada claim. Experienced construction
accident injury attorneys can help you avoid common pitfalls and get your workers’ compensation claims paid
quickly and efficiently.
How an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Your Chances of a Successful Construction Site Accident
In Nevada, there is only one way to receive workers’ compensation benefits. You must prove your injury or
occupational condition was caused by your job and not something else. This is easier said than done.
A Las Vegas construction accident lawyer can help you manage many issues including injuries in a construction zone:
- Deadlines: Nevada compensation laws limit the time injured workers have to file for
construction site accidents. Within a week of your accident, you must provide your employer with written notice
of your injury. You have 90 days to prepare your compensation form (C-4). In addition, you must meet the Nevada
statute of limitations. While recovering from your illness, you might be unable to complete these requirements.
Why not focus on your health and entrust the confusing paperwork to a law attorney with decades of professional
- Paperwork: Before submitting Las Vegas workers’ compensation forms, injured
workers should ensure that they are complete and accurate. Missing information can slow down your payments for
medical expenses, lost wages, and wrongful death benefits. Incorrect details can ruin your chances for
reimbursement. Our team of experienced Las Vegas attorneys can help you gather documents, verify accuracy, and
understand the fine print.
- Requirements and restrictions: A construction worker might lose compensation due to
misunderstanding the insurance company rules for accidents. For instance, you must go to authorized medical
providers for non-emergency treatment, rather than going to any doctor you wish.
- Court representation: If employers or insurers fail their duties, an attorney can defend your
rights at trial. Our attorneys have a comprehensive knowledge of Nevada law and the determination to pursue
justice on your behalf.
- Medical conditions that worsen over time: What if you were awarded a workers’
compensation claim, but your situation later gets worse? A Las Vegas construction accident lawyer can reopen
your claim and help you qualify for additional benefits.
- Other accident factors: Some construction site accidents occur because of faulty heavy
machinery. A defective product can cause severe injuries. If construction equipment played a role in your
accident, you may be entitled to personal injury damages from another party (i.e. a designer, manufacturer, or
For free legal advice, call or text our law firm at (702) 444-4444 for immediate assistance.
What To Do If Your Las Vegas Workers’ Construction Site Accident Claim Was Denied
A Las Vegas construction accident is a stressful event for construction workers and their families. Injured employees
often realize that trying to recover compensation without the counsel of a personal injury attorney can lead to
problems. If your claim was rejected, you might lose hope of receiving what you deserve for your pain and
At Richard Harris Law Firm, our construction accident attorneys advocate the needs of Las Vegas construction workers
whose legitimate claims have been denied. We value the attorney-client relationship, so we offer a free consultation
to any worker who would like to review his or her workers’ compensation injury case.
Do you have questions about any of these issues?
- Reopening a Las Vegas construction claim if your accident injuries have worsened since your original
settlement - Defending your right to a personal injury claim if you were injured by faulty equipment on a construction site
- Confronting an employer who refuses to cooperate with a claim or who does not have insurance
- Qualifying for free legal advice for other practice areas, including medical malpractice and social security
disability - Appealing a rejected construction accident application
- Pursuing a wrongful death claim for a fatal construction industry accident
A live agent is standing by to hear about your experience with Las Vegas construction accidents. To schedule an
appointment, start chatting by clicking the green dialog box in the right bottom corner of your screen. Or you can
call or text us anytime at (702) 444-4444 to get the legal assistance you need.
Accident Injuries On Construction Sites – Seeking Personal Injury Damages
Workers’ compensation claim payments do not always cover the full costs of Nevada construction accidents.
Insurance companies decide how long your claim should remain open and whether you qualify for permanent disability
benefits or vocational rehabilitation. Since paying for your care costs insurers money, resolving claims before all
the medical bills pile up might seem like the best option for them. But what about your injury and all its
Our construction accident lawyers know that your accident injury expenses might exceed the amount that you receive
from your compensation claim. We take an individual approach to each client by examining if you meet the
requirements for additional compensation.
Property owners, employers, contractors, and equipment manufacturers can be held liable if negligence or breach of
duty caused your construction accident injury. Attorneys might consider third-party issues, such as:
- Were there posted warning signs about potential hazards at your construction site?
- Did general contractors and subcontractors follow safety protocols?
- Did your employer train workers about safety guidelines and provide adequate personal protective equipment
(PPE)? - Were hazardous materials properly labeled and stored?
- Were machinery and equipment inspected and maintained on a regular basis?
Some construction accidents are preventable. Personal injury lawyers can defend your rights if unsafe working
conditions, defective equipment, or a negligent third party contributed to serious injuries.
Personal injury claims allow the injured party to seek damages for economic and non-economic losses related to
construction accidents. For instance, a construction accident attorney can file a case for:
- Unrecovered lost wages
- Lost future earning potential
- Costs of counseling and physical therapy
- Property damages
- Third-party damages
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of companionship, guidance, and affection for surviving spouses and dependents
How to Learn More About Your Legal Options in Las Vegas, Nevada
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, over half of Nevada
work-related injuries and illnesses involved days away from work, job transfers, or physical restrictions.
Working on construction sites always carries a risk, but negligent employers, lax safety protocols, and inferior
equipment can put construction workers at an even greater risk for serious construction accidents.
If you experienced an accident at a construction site, your injuries may be of grave concern. Facing permanent
disabilities and a lifetime of financial worries will only cause you more anxiety. Yet, you do not have to face
these challenges alone. Personal injury lawyers can help maximize your compensation.
Are you ready to face the future with confidence, knowing your legal decisions were the right ones? A construction
accident attorney can help you determine the amount of compensation you are due for your accident-related
injury. Schedule your free consultation today by contacting us at (702) 444-4444 or filling out the brief consultation form.