Jack In The Box Injury Lawyer

Are you ready to discuss your Jack In the Box Injury with an attorney?

You can trust the team at The Richard Harris Law Firm to provide you with the guidance you need to help you file a claim for compensation.

It doesn’t matter what injury you suffered at Jack In The Box we can help you with your claim.

The Richard Harris Law Firm has decades of experience helping injured clients recover damages for their injuries.

To make things as smooth as possible for our clients we offer free consultations and work on a contingency basis so we take no money upfront.

We have recovered Billions for our clients over the years.

Don’t trust the insurance companies, you will regret it.


Common Accidents at Jack In The Box

Slip and fall accidents are the most common injuries at Jack in the Box.

This happens for many reasons like spills on floors that aren’t cleaned up right away or broken tile is another reason for slip and fall accidents.

However, there are other common accidents that occur.

  1. Trip and fall accidents- Broken concrete, broken tile and uneven flooring, misplaced floor mats, and potholes in the parking lot are the common reasons for trip and fall accidents.

  2. Burn Accidents- This usually happens when food or drinks are way too hot from machines that the temperature gauge is not working properly. Also not using the proper containers that are made for the item to hold the hot temperature food or drink. Just think about the claim against McDonalds for the coffee that was too hot.

  3. Parking Lot Accidents- Parking lots often are not properly lit, have broken concrete or potholes and don’t have the right signage about what way to go can lead to accidents in the parking lot of a Jack In The Box. These accidents can either be to the person or in your vehicle.

  4. Falling Objects- Anything that is placed above someone is considered a falling object hazard. Falling objects can be shelves that hold items, pictures hung on the walls, light fixtures and overhead menu displays. If these items are not secured properly that could fall at any time and strike a victim without warning.

No matter how you are injured at Jack In The Box, it can lead to a number of different injuries.


jack in the box injury


Common Injuries at Jack In The Box

Everybody who is injured at a Jack In The Box will experience different injuries and experiences.

There are however some injuries that are more common in Jack in the Box incidents.

Below is a list of injuries our firm sees often at fast food establishments.

Head injuries- This includes concussions, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Swelling and Bleeding on the Brian

Neck and Back Injuries- Herniated disks, fractures and even whiplash are common neck and back injuries.

Joint Injuries- Including Shoulder, hip, and knee joints

Fractures- Usually for the extremities  like the led or arm. Fractures can be simple or compound.

Crushing Injuries- From falling objects or being wedged between heavy items

Nerve Damage- Nerve Damage is usually a symptom of another injury and is the result of that injury. In some cases nerve damage may be permanent

Torn Ligaments- Usually you hear about torn ligaments from sports injuries but they can happen at anytime even at Jack In The Box

Lacerations- Cuts sometimes can require stitches and even surgery

Scrapes and Bruises- These are common in any accident and usually accompany other more serious injuries.

Burn Injuries- From too hot food or drink or being burned by faulty equipment. Burns can range in severity and leave scars for life.


Depending on how bad the accident is, a victim of an incident at Jack In The Box might suffer significant harm.

Regardless of how bad your injuries are you may have grounds for a claim against the property owner or Jack In The Box for your injuries.

It is always a good idea to seek legal advice if you have been injured.


Potential Compensation from Jack In The Box Injury

You may have the right to file a claim for damages against the party responsible for your injuries, in this case Jack In The Box.

Every case is different so the compensation for each claim will be different.

However you may be able to recover compensation for:

  • Medical Expenses– Current, ongoing and future medical expenses for treatment, rehabilitation, surgery, or medications are all included here.

  • Lost Wages– Current, future wages, bonuses, or even loss of the ability to work at all is included

  • Pain and Suffering– Depending on the severity of your injuries and the effects of those injured depends on the award for pain and suffering

  • Property Damage– If something like a car is damaged besides injuries than you maybe able to recover damages for property damages

  • Punitive Damages– Punitive Damages are paid to a victim to punish the responsible party for extreme negligence. Punitive damages are sometimes much higher than the other damages. These are at the discretion of the court.

If you have questions about recovering compensation for your injuries from a Jack In The Box accident you should contact a personal injury lawyer.

Call The Richard Harris Law Firm today for a free consultation.

During that consultation our team will advise you about what to expect going forward.


statute of limitations for injury at jack in box

Statute of Limitations

Under Nevada law if you’re injured and want to file a personal injury claim you have two years from the date of the incident to file.

This may seem like a lot of time but it really isn’t, the wheels of justice turn slow and cases take a lot of time to move through the court system.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible can insure that your claim is filed within the statute of limitations.

If you fail to file in time you may lose the right to any and all compensation.


Jack in The Box Company

Jack In The Box is a staple fast food chain on the west coast.

Started in San Diego, Ca in the 1950’s where it still has its headquarters.

Today Jack In The Box has over 2,200 locations mostly on the west coast.

In California they joke that Jack In Box has the best real estate in the state since a lot of Jack in the box locations are on or near the beach. Jack In The Box has a knack for locations near popular areas with high volume traffic.

In Nevada, Jack In The Box also tends to be located in high volume high traffic areas where a lot of people are in the restaurant at all hours of the day.

Like other fast food establishments, accidents like slip and fall, burn incidents, and parking lot accidents become more common as more people make their way through the restaurant.

When a loved one is injured in an accident at Jack In The Box you might have the grounds to file a personal injury claim against the company or the property owner depending on the case.

In order to learn if you have a case against Jack In The Box for your injuries call The Richard Harris Law Firm today for a free consultation.


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