
US Citizenship and Naturalization

US Citizenship and Naturalization Citizens of the United States are entitled to live and work permanently in the U.S., vote in U.S. elections, serve on court juries, and hold a U.S. passport. U.S. citizens can sponsor their spouse, unmarried children under age 21, and parents as immediate relatives for U.S. permanent residence. The relatives can US Citizenship and Naturalization

Immigration Q&A

Immigration Q&A

DAPA and DACA Documents

List of DAPA & DACA Recommended Documents Listed below is the recommended list of documents for DAPA and DACA. Proof of Age Birth certificate Passport Consular ID Proof of Date of Entrance School records/school IDs Vaccination records Medical records Pay stubs Rental/lease Receipts Statement of persons present at the time of entrance (only those with DAPA and DACA Documents

Deferred Action for Parents and Children

Deferred Action for Parents and Children On November 20, 2014, President Obama and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued guidance that authorizes the grant of deferred action and employment authorization to certain Parents of U.S. citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (subject to the establishment of procedures for applications within 180 days). Deferred Action Deferred Action for Parents and Children

Legal in the United States

LEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES DEFERRED ACTION FOR PARENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY (DAPA) DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS (DACA) Behind every case there is a person, a family, and their livelihood. It only takes a minute to get started. Comprehensive Immigration Solutions We provide families and employers with comprehensive and personalized immigration solutions from our trusted immigration Legal in the United States