Month: June 2017

Distracted Driving in Nevada

Apple’s recent announcements of upcoming changes to software for the coming year yielded a new feature to be released with the upcoming iOS 11, the operating system that runs iPhones and iPads. While the feature requires the user of the phone to activate it, once activated, the phone will detect when you’re driving and will Distracted Driving in Nevada

Invokana Linked to Dangerous Side Effects

At times, one wonders if the benefits of some medications outweigh the potential serious side effects. So it is with Invokana (Canagliflozin). But this is not a question posed by a lawyer blog, but by medical researchers who evaluate drug efficacy in the course of their business. What is Invokana? Invokana and its sister drug, Invokana Linked to Dangerous Side Effects

Product Liability: Class Action vs. Multi-District Litigation (MDL)

​ In product liability cases, there are two types of cases that could be filed: a class action suit or a multi-district litigation (MDL). The first is a class action lawsuit. In a class action suit, a class of plaintiffs is established based on common complaints and damages, and the entire class becomes the plaintiff. Product Liability: Class Action vs. Multi-District Litigation (MDL)