Our partnership
More than ever, the Nevada Wheelchair Foundation needs help in providing Nevadans with the care and access to wheelchairs that they need. Richard Harris Law Firm, Nevada’s largest personal injury law firm, is proud to partner with Wheelchair Foundation, a leading charitable foundation providing free wheelchairs to men, women and children in need, to distribute wheelchairs to Nevadans who require a permanent wheelchair but cannot afford them.

In order to receive a wheelchair, recipients must call 702-900-3362 or email Ivy@Nevadawheelchairfoundation.org to qualify, reserve a chair and set an appointment time.
Please leave a message with your name, phone number and best time to call. We have Spanish-speaking volunteers who are also available to translate and take requests. Recipients must be present, if possible, to properly size chairs. Chairs come in 3 sizes and are able to accommodate 50 lbs to 275 lbs.
For more information please visit www.NevadaWheelchairFoundation.org.

“It’s heartbreaking to know so many men, women and children in our state are in need of permanent wheelchairs, but do not have the means to acquire them. My team and I are excited to support the Nevada Wheelchair Foundation and host a distribution event. My ultimate goal is for the Richard Harris Law Firm and friends and family of the firm to have a lasting impact throughout the Las Vegas Valley. Providing wheelchairs through the Nevada Wheelchair Foundation is certainly a step toward doing so. We look forward to sharing wheelchairs with those in need in our ongoing efforts.” ~ Richard Harris

Richard Harris Law Firm
Supports Nevada Wheelchair Foundation