b'REACHINGOUTOn the Wings of Client ServiceN969REthetailnumberof is the Richard Harris Law Firmjet,aHawkerBeechcraftPremier,the fastest light jet with the largest cabin. While weutilizecommercialaircarrierstotravel tomostdestinations,owningacorporate jet allows us to efficiently serve out of town clientsbetter,gettosomeplacesmuch quickerandvisitmultipledestinationsin oneday.Sometimes,weliterallyhaveto be two places at once for depositions and clientmeetings.Othertimes,outoftown meetings run late, but we must be back that nightforanearlymorningcourthearing.Our jet also comes in handy for our disabled clients,makingtheirtraveltosettlement conferences more comfortable without the hassles associated with busy airports. N696 REisjustoneofthemanywaysourteam does a better job for our clients.02'