b'REACHINGOUT050304 17 060710 192001PROFESSIONALS AND fun facts01Richard A. Harris 05Benjamin P. Cloward 09Elaine H. MarzolaHosted classic rock radio show as disc jockey Once wrestled a 10-foot gator while serving Was born in Rio de Janeiro and speaksduring college. a church mission in Louisiana.fluent Portuguese.02Joshua A. Harris 06Seth R. Little 10Samantha A. MartinDrummer for a U2 cover band at Las Vegas Once lost over 100 pounds between his junior andIs getting married in August 2015.Strip hotel.senior year of high school. 11K. Ryan Helmick03Bryan A. Boyack 07Alison M. Brasier Drew a self-portrait stick figure in first gradeRecently won the 206-mile bicycle race from Logan,Skipped the 4th grade.with the caption I want to be an attorney.Utah, to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. 08Kyle A. Stucki His mom still has it.04Jonathan R. HicksBoxed in college. YouTube video documentsGrew up with killer bees living in his backyard. knockouthim! 22'