b'LynnaeMEETGAITER TICKET? 6 IT!Senior Case Manager Lynnae Gaiter has been with the Richard Harris Law Firm since 2008. Her contagious smile and positive demeanor brighten our day.Lynnae, we are proud you are part of our legalteam!1 What led you to the Richard Harris Law Firm? Prior to joining Richard Harris Law Firm, I was working for a small plaintiffs firm. Unhappy with the work environment there, a friend who worked for Richard Harris mentioned there was7 What are your passions, at work and a job openingso I applied. The rest is history. 2 Did you seek a legal career? How did that happen?away from work? I have always been passionate about teaching I guess this line of work found me. I always wanted to bepeople. The role Rick and Josh have placed me in allows a teacher, but after being involved in a criminal case as ame to help grow the pre-litigation team by teaching witness, and watching an unfavorable outcome, I decided I shouldand mentoring the other case managers. Away from get involved in the legal field to help people. I attended paralegalwork, I suppose my passion would be traveling with my school while working for a court reporting firm hoping I wouldfamily to the Caribbean islands. We all love to snorkel, one day work for a law firm.kayak and just sit in the sun or by the pool. 3 What are your favorite client moments?8 Whats been the best thing to happen to My favorite moments are when I can tell an injured clientyou in your life? that the insurance company will offer a fair settlement andI would have to say my family. My son, Amari, the client can get necessary medical procedures.was born when I needed grounding the most, and my 4daughter, Teya, was born to give me a life challenge. What are you most proud of?Marrying my husband, Corey, has been the one I am most proud of the team of case managers I get to workconstant in my life I can count on when I need someone with here at the Richard Harris Law Firm. We all work hardthe most. I know I can sometimes be a difficult person daily managing cases, talking with clients and helping the lawyersto deal with, so he keeps me in line by telling me what I prepare settlement demands. Its hard work, we help each otherneed to hear at the right times. out, but we still have time to enjoy one anothers company. 9 What are several things youd like 5 What would your coworkers say is the best thingeveryone to know about you? about working with you?Im not sure if anyone knows this, but I really They often say I am knowledgeable in the legal field,love to sing. I have sung since I was a little girl in the approachable and give great guidance.church choir and school choir. Every now and then, you 6 What do clients say they appreciate about you?can catch me singing in my office. I also enjoy acting. I performed in the school theater program when I was in Clients often say I can explain the claims process in amiddle school and then again in high school. language they understand, not in complex legal terms.Thank you, Lynnae. That was fun!262015 REACHINGOUT-CURRENT.indd 24 12/10/15 10:43 AM'