Month: May 2014

A Lawyer’s Guide to understanding your Car Insurance Declarations Page

What is a Declaration page? Also called a Dec Page, this is the disclosure which your insurance company should send you twice a year, when the policy is renewed, which declares what coverages you are carrying and what the limits of liability are for each coverage.  The Dec Page is broken down into sections showing:

UPDATE: What to Do After an Accident

A while back we posted a blog article entitled, “What to do after a Car Accident.”  With summer travels in our near future, we thought it appropriate to not only share this article with you again in case you missed it, but to also update our readers on new, related information that has come about UPDATE: What to Do After an Accident

1st Place: Frank J – Don’t Let Your Friends Egg You On… Wear a Helmet

This video was made using mostly stop motion animation, and 3 dozen eggs.